Copper enrichment in arc magmas controlled by overriding plate thickness M Chiaradia Nature Geoscience 7 (1), 43-46, 2014 | 381 | 2014 |
Crustal thickness control on Sr/Y signatures of recent arc magmas: an Earth scale perspective M Chiaradia Scientific reports 5 (1), 8115, 2015 | 326 | 2015 |
How accurately can we date the duration of magmatic-hydrothermal events in porphyry systems?—an invited paper M Chiaradia, U Schaltegger, R Spikings, JF Wotzlaw, M Ovtcharova Economic Geology 108 (4), 565-584, 2013 | 299 | 2013 |
Why large porphyry Cu deposits like high Sr/Y magmas? M Chiaradia, A Ulianov, K Kouzmanov, B Beate Scientific reports 2 (1), 685, 2012 | 223 | 2012 |
The Central Atlantic magmatic province (CAMP): A review A Marzoli, S Callegaro, J Dal Corso, JHFL Davies, M Chiaradia, N Youbi, ... The Late Triassic World: Earth in a time of transition, 91-125, 2018 | 218 | 2018 |
Adakite-like magmas from fractional crystallization and melting-assimilation of mafic lower crust (Eocene Macuchi arc, Western Cordillera, Ecuador) M Chiaradia Chemical Geology 265 (3-4), 468-487, 2009 | 217 | 2009 |
High temperature (> 350 C) thermochronology and mechanisms of Pb loss in apatite R Cochrane, RA Spikings, D Chew, JF Wotzlaw, M Chiaradia, S Tyrrell, ... Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 127, 39-56, 2014 | 211 | 2014 |
Local to regional scale industrial heavy metal pollution recorded in sediments of large freshwater lakes in central Europe (lakes Geneva and Lucerne) over the last centuries F Thevenon, ND Graham, M Chiaradia, P Arpagaus, W Wildi, J Poté science of the Total Environment 412, 239-247, 2011 | 187 | 2011 |
Permo-Triassic anatexis, continental rifting and the disassembly of western Pangaea R Cochrane, R Spikings, A Gerdes, A Ulianov, A Mora, D Villagómez, ... Lithos 190, 383-402, 2014 | 186 | 2014 |
Adakite-like volcanism of Ecuador: lower crust magmatic evolution and recycling M Chiaradia, O Müntener, B Beate, D Fontignie Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 158, 563-588, 2009 | 183 | 2009 |
Re–Os and Pb–Pb geochronology of the Archean Salobo iron oxide copper–gold deposit, Carajás mineral province, northern Brazil K Requia, H Stein, L Fontboté, M Chiaradia Mineralium Deposita 38, 727-738, 2003 | 177 | 2003 |
Early–middle Jurassic intra-oceanic subduction in the İzmir-Ankara-Erzincan Ocean, northern Turkey ÖF Çelik, A Marzoli, R Marschik, M Chiaradia, F Neubauer, İ Öz Tectonophysics 509 (1-2), 120-134, 2011 | 174 | 2011 |
Compositional diversity of Eocene–Oligocene basaltic magmatism in the Eastern Rhodopes, SE Bulgaria: implications for genesis and tectonic setting P Marchev, R Raicheva, H Downes, O Vaselli, M Chiaradia, R Moritz Tectonophysics 393 (1-4), 301-328, 2004 | 171 | 2004 |
Zircon petrochronology reveals the temporal link between porphyry systems and the magmatic evolution of their hidden plutonic roots (the Eocene Coroccohuayco deposit, Peru) C Chelle-Michou, M Chiaradia, M Ovtcharova, A Ulianov, JF Wotzlaw Lithos 198, 129-140, 2014 | 168 | 2014 |
Stochastic modelling of deep magmatic controls on porphyry copper deposit endowment M Chiaradia, L Caricchi Scientific reports 7 (1), 44523, 2017 | 164 | 2017 |
Sulfide minerals in hydrothermal deposits L Fontboté, K Kouzmanov, M Chiaradia, GS Pokrovski Elements 13 (2), 97-103, 2017 | 157 | 2017 |
40Ar/39Ar ages and Sr–Nd–Pb–Os geochemistry of CAMP tholeiites from Western Maranhão basin (NE Brazil) R Merle, A Marzoli, H Bertrand, L Reisberg, C Verati, C Zimmermann, ... Lithos 122 (3-4), 137-151, 2011 | 157 | 2011 |
Rapid transition to long-lived deep crustal magmatic maturation and the formation of giant porphyry-related mineralization (Yanacocha, Peru) M Chiaradia, D Merino, R Spikings Earth and Planetary Science Letters 288 (3-4), 505-515, 2009 | 155 | 2009 |
Palaeozoic to Early Jurassic history of the northwestern corner of Gondwana, and implications for the evolution of the Iapetus, Rheic and Pacific Oceans R van der Lelij, R Spikings, A Ulianov, M Chiaradia, A Mora Gondwana Research 31, 271-294, 2016 | 153 | 2016 |
(Pre-) historic changes in natural and anthropogenic heavy metals deposition inferred from two contrasting Swiss Alpine lakes F Thevenon, S Guédron, M Chiaradia, JL Loizeau, J Poté Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (1-2), 224-233, 2011 | 142 | 2011 |