Manfred Martin
Manfred Martin
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe rwth-aachen.de
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Synthesis and microstructure of the (Co, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni) 3O4 high entropy oxide characterized by spinel structure
J Dąbrowa, M Stygar, A Mikuła, A Knapik, K Mroczka, W Tejchman, ...
Materials Letters 216, 32-36, 2018
First-principles study on defect chemistry and migration of oxide ions in ceria doped with rare-earth cations
M Nakayama, M Martin
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (17), 3241-3249, 2009
Ab initio calculations on the defect structure of -GaO
T Zacherle, PC Schmidt, M Martin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (23), 235206, 2013
A chemically driven insulator–metal transition in non-stoichiometric and amorphous gallium oxide
L Nagarajan, RA De Souza, D Samuelis, I Valov, A Börger, J Janek, ...
Nature materials 7 (5), 391-398, 2008
A kinetic study of the decomposition of the cubic perovskite-type oxide Ba x Sr 1− x Co 0.8 Fe 0.2 O 3− δ (BSCF)(x= 0.1 and 0.5)
DN Mueller, RA De Souza, TE Weirich, D Roehrens, J Mayer, M Martin
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12 (35), 10320-10328, 2010
Oxygen diffusion in nanocrystalline yttria-stabilized zirconia: the effect of grain boundaries
RA De Souza, MJ Pietrowski, U Anselmi-Tamburini, S Kim, ZA Munir, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10 (15), 2067-2072, 2008
Understanding the ionic conductivity maximum in doped ceria: trapping and blocking
J Koettgen, S Grieshammer, P Hein, BOH Grope, M Nakayama, M Martin
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (21), 14291-14321, 2018
Ab initio analysis of the defect structure of ceria
T Zacherle, A Schriever, RA De Souza, M Martin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (13), 134104, 2013
Bulk mixed ion electron conduction in amorphous gallium oxide causes memristive behaviour
Y Aoki, C Wiemann, V Feyer, HS Kim, CM Schneider, H Ill-Yoo, M Martin
Nature communications 5 (1), 3473, 2014
Determining oxygen isotope profiles in oxides with Time-of-Flight SIMS
RA De Souza, J Zehnpfenning, M Martin, J Maier
Solid State Ionics 176 (15-16), 1465-1471, 2005
Cation self-diffusion of and in single-crystalline calcia- and yttria-doped zirconia
M Kilo, MA Taylor, C Argirusis, G Borchardt, B Lesage, S Weber, ...
Journal of applied physics 94 (12), 7547-7552, 2003
In situ XRD study of the phase transition of nanocrystalline maghemite (γ-Fe2O3) to hematite (α-Fe2O3)
G Schimanke, M Martin
Solid State Ionics 136, 1235-1240, 2000
A combined DFT+ U and Monte Carlo study on rare earth doped ceria
S Grieshammer, BOH Grope, J Koettgen, M Martin
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (21), 9974-9986, 2014
Unprecedented room‐temperature electrical power generation using nanoscale fluorite‐structured oxide electrolytes
S Kim, U Anselmi‐Tamburini, HJ Park, M Martin, ZA Munir
Advanced Materials 20 (3), 556-559, 2008
On the conduction pathway for protons in nanocrystalline yttria-stabilized zirconia
S Kim, HJ Avila-Paredes, S Wang, CT Chen, RA De Souza, M Martin, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (17), 3035-3038, 2009
Substrate-orientation dependence of β-Ga2O3 (100),(010),(001), and (2¯ 01) homoepitaxy by indium-mediated metal-exchange catalyzed molecular beam epitaxy (MEXCAT-MBE)
P Mazzolini, A Falkenstein, C Wouters, R Schewski, T Markurt, Z Galazka, ...
Apl Materials 8 (1), 2020
An innovative approach to design SOFC air electrode materials: high entropy La 1− x Sr x (Co, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni) O 3− δ (x= 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3) perovskites synthesized by the sol …
J Dąbrowa, A Olszewska, A Falkenstein, C Schwab, M Szymczak, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (46), 24455-24468, 2020
Using 18 O/16 O exchange to probe an equilibrium space-charge layer at the surface of a crystalline oxide: method and application
RA De Souza, M Martin
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10 (17), 2356-2367, 2008
Heterogeneously catalysed partial oxidation of acrolein to acrylic acid—structure, function and dynamics of the V–Mo–W mixed oxides
P Kampe, L Giebeler, D Samuelis, J Kunert, A Drochner, F Haaß, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 9 (27), 3577-3589, 2007
Nanoscale percolation in doped BaZrO 3 for high proton mobility
FM Draber, C Ader, JP Arnold, S Eisele, S Grieshammer, S Yamaguchi, ...
Nature materials 19 (3), 338-346, 2020
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