Thierry Coupez
Thierry Coupez
Professeur Mines ParisTech
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe mines-paristech.fr
Citat de
Citat de
Stabilized finite element method for incompressible flows with high Reynolds number
E Hachem, B Rivaux, T Kloczko, H Digonnet, T Coupez
Journal of computational physics 229 (23), 8643-8665, 2010
Metric construction by length distribution tensor and edge based error for anisotropic adaptive meshing
T Coupez
Journal of computational physics 230 (7), 2391-2405, 2011
3D tetrahedral, unstructured and anisotropic mesh generation with adaptation to natural and multidomain metric
C Gruau, T Coupez
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 194 (48-49), 4951-4976, 2005
Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian and fluid-structure interaction: numerical simulation
M Souli, DJ Benson
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Injection molding: Technology and fundamentals
MR Kamal, AI Isayev
Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH Co KG, 2012
Parallel meshing and remeshing
T Coupez, H Digonnet, R Ducloux
Applied mathematical modelling 25 (2), 153-175, 2000
Convected level set method for the numerical simulation of fluid buckling
L Ville, L Silva, T Coupez
International Journal for numerical methods in fluids 66 (3), 324-344, 2011
Level set framework for the numerical modelling of primary recrystallization in polycrystalline materials
M Bernacki, Y Chastel, T Coupez, RE Logé
Scripta Materialia 58 (12), 1129-1132, 2008
Finite element solution of the 3D mold filling problem for viscous incompressible fluid
E Pichelin, T Coupez
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 163 (1-4), 359-371, 1998
Génération de maillage et adaptation de maillage par optimisation locale
T Coupez
Revue européenne des éléments finis 9 (4), 403-423, 2000
Finite element model of primary recrystallization in polycrystalline aggregates using a level set framework
M Bernacki, H Resk, T Coupez, RE Logé
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 17 (6), 064006, 2009
Level set framework for the finite-element modelling of recrystallization and grain growth in polycrystalline materials
M Bernacki, RE Logé, T Coupez
Scripta Materialia 64 (6), 525-528, 2011
A finite element method for computing the flow of multi-mode viscoelastic fluids: comparison with experiments
C Béraudo, A Fortin, T Coupez, Y Demay, B Vergnes, JF Agassant
Journal of non-newtonian fluid mechanics 75 (1), 1-23, 1998
Solution of high-Reynolds incompressible flow with stabilized finite element and adaptive anisotropic meshing
T Coupez, E Hachem
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 267, 65-85, 2013
Adaptive remeshing based on a posteriori error estimation for forging simulation
R Boussetta, T Coupez, L Fourment
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 195 (48-49), 6626-6645, 2006
Precise generation of complex statistical Representative Volume Elements (RVEs) in a finite element context
K Hitti, P Laure, T Coupez, L Silva, M Bernacki
Computational Materials Science 61, 224-238, 2012
Lagrangian finite‐element analysis of time‐dependent viscous free‐surface flow using an automatic remeshing technique: Application to metal casting flow
F Muttin, T Coupez, M Bellet, JL Chenot
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 36 (12), 2001-2015, 1993
Development of numerical tools for the multiscale modelling of recrystallization in metals, based on a digital material framework
M Bernacki, H Digonnet, H Resk, T Coupez, R Loge
AIP Conference Proceedings 908 (1), 375-380, 2007
Linking plastic deformation to recrystallization in metals using digital microstructures
R Logé, M Bernacki, H Resk, L Delannay, H Digonnet, Y Chastel, ...
Philosophical Magazine 88 (30-32), 3691-3712, 2008
A mesh improvement method for 3D automatic remeshing
T Coupez
Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Related Fields …, 1994
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