Matthew J. Lato
Matthew J. Lato
BGC Engineering Inc.
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe bgcengineering.ca
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Terrestrial laser scanning of rock slope instabilities
A Abellán, T Oppikofer, M Jaboyedoff, NJ Rosser, M Lim, MJ Lato
Earth surface processes and landforms 39 (1), 80-97, 2014
Geotechnical and operational applications for 3-dimensional laser scanning in drill and blast tunnels
S Fekete, M Diederichs, M Lato
Tunnelling and underground space technology 25 (5), 614-628, 2010
Optimization of LiDAR scanning and processing for automated structural evaluation of discontinuities in rockmasses
M Lato, MS Diederichs, DJ Hutchinson, R Harrap
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 46 (1), 194-199, 2009
Automated mapping of rock discontinuities in 3D lidar and photogrammetry models
MJ Lato, M Vöge
International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences 54, 150-158, 2012
Automated rockmass discontinuity mapping from 3-dimensional surface data
M Vöge, MJ Lato, MS Diederichs
Engineering Geology 164, 155-162, 2013
Bias correction for view-limited Lidar scanning of rock outcrops for structural characterization
MJ Lato, MS Diederichs, DJ Hutchinson
Rock mechanics and rock engineering 43, 615-628, 2010
Identifying rock slope failure precursors using LiDAR for transportation corridor hazard management
RA Kromer, DJ Hutchinson, MJ Lato, D Gauthier, T Edwards
Engineering Geology 195, 93-103, 2015
Engineering monitoring of rockfall hazards along transportation corridors: using mobile terrestrial LiDAR
M Lato, J Hutchinson, M Diederichs, D Ball, R Harrap
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 9 (3), 935-946, 2009
Rock bench: Establishing a common repository and standards for assessing rockmass characteristics using LiDAR and photogrammetry
M Lato, J Kemeny, RM Harrap, G Bevan
Computers & Geosciences 50, 106-114, 2013
Automated terrestrial laser scanning with near-real-time change detection–monitoring of the Séchilienne landslide
RA Kromer, A Abellán, DJ Hutchinson, M Lato, MA Chanut, L Dubois, ...
Earth surface dynamics 5 (2), 293-310, 2017
Evaluating roadside rockmasses for rockfall hazards using LiDAR data: optimizing data collection and processing protocols
MJ Lato, MS Diederichs, DJ Hutchinson, R Harrap
Natural Hazards 60, 831-864, 2012
Effects of sampling interval on the frequency-magnitude relationship of rockfalls detected from terrestrial laser scanning using semi-automated methods
M van Veen, DJ Hutchinson, R Kromer, M Lato, T Edwards
Landslides 14, 1579-1592, 2017
A 4D filtering and calibration technique for small-scale point cloud change detection with a terrestrial laser scanner
RA Kromer, A Abellán, DJ Hutchinson, M Lato, T Edwards, M Jaboyedoff
Remote Sensing 7 (10), 13029-13052, 2015
Development and optimization of an automated fixed-location time lapse photogrammetric rock slope monitoring system
R Kromer, G Walton, B Gray, M Lato, R Group
Remote Sensing 11 (16), 1890, 2019
Automated detection of snow avalanche deposits: segmentation and classification of optical remote sensing imagery
MJ Lato, R Frauenfelder, Y Bühler
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12 (9), 2893-2906, 2012
Comparison of airborne laser scanning, terrestrial laser scanning, and terrestrial photogrammetry for mapping differential slope change in mountainous terrain
MJ Lato, DJ Hutchinson, D Gauthier, T Edwards, M Ondercin
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 52 (2), 129-140, 2015
Shear strength reduction approach for slope stability analyses
MS Diederichs, M Lato, P Quinn, R Hammah
ARMA Canada-US Rock Mechanics Symposium, ARMA-07-039, 2007
Managing rockfall risk through baseline monitoring of precursors using a terrestrial laser scanner
R Kromer, M Lato, DJ Hutchinson, D Gauthier, T Edwards
Canadian geotechnical journal 54 (7), 953-967, 2017
Non-invasive detection of fractures, fracture zones, and rock damage in a hard rock excavation—Experience from the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory in Sweden
G Walton, M Lato, H Anschütz, MA Perras, MS Diederichs
Engineering Geology 196, 210-221, 2015
Rockfall risk management using a pre-failure deformation database
RA Kromer, E Rowe, J Hutchinson, M Lato, A Abellán
Landslides 15, 847-858, 2018
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