Zhihua Qu
Zhihua Qu
Pegasus Professor & Thomas J. Riordan and Herbert C. Towle Chair, University of Central Florida
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Citat de
Cooperative control of dynamical systems: applications to autonomous vehicles
Z Qu
Springer Science & Business Media, 2009
Lyapunov, adaptive, and optimal design techniques for cooperative systems on directed communication graphs
H Zhang, FL Lewis, Z Qu
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 59 (7), 3026-3041, 2011
Secondary control of microgrids based on distributed cooperative control of multi‐agent systems
A Bidram, A Davoudi, FL Lewis, Z Qu
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 7 (8), 822-831, 2013
Robust control of nonlinear uncertain systems
Z Qu
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998
Cooperative control of dynamical systems with application to autonomous vehicles
Z Qu, J Wang, RA Hull
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 53 (4), 894-911, 2008
Robust tracking control of robot manipulators
Z Qu, DM Dawson
IEEE press, 1995
A self-organizing strategy for power flow control of photovoltaic generators in a distribution network
H Xin, Z Qu, J Seuss, A Maknouninejad
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26 (3), 1462-1473, 2010
On constructing Lyapunov functions for multi-agent systems
H Zhang, Z Li, Z Qu, FL Lewis
Automatica 58, 39-42, 2015
Robust control of nonlinear uncertain systems under generalized matching conditions
Z Qu
Automatica 29 (4), 985-998, 1993
A new analytical solution to mobile robot trajectory generation in the presence of moving obstacles
Z Qu, J Wang, CE Plaisted
IEEE transactions on robotics 20 (6), 978-993, 2004
Robust tracking control of robots by a linear feedback law
Z Qu, J Dorsey
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 36 (9), 1081-1084, 1991
Robust control for the tracking of robot motion
DM Dawson, Z Qu, FL Lewis, JF Dorsey
International Journal of Control 52 (3), 581-595, 1990
Tracking control of rigid-link electrically–driven robot manipulators
DM Dawson, Z Qu, JJ Carroll
International Journal of Control 56 (5), 991-1006, 1992
Robust iterative learning control for a class of nonlinear systems
JX Xu, Z Qu
Automatica 34 (8), 983-988, 1998
Global stabilization of nonlinear systems with a class of unmatched uncertainties
Z Qu
Systems & control letters 18 (4), 301-307, 1992
Distributed scheduling and cooperative control for charging of electric vehicles at highway service stations
A Gusrialdi, Z Qu, MA Simaan
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 18 (10), 2713-2727, 2017
On the state observation and output feedback problems for nonlinear uncertain dynamic systems
DM Dawson, Z Qu, JC Carroll
Systems & Control Letters 18 (3), 217-222, 1992
Optimal, nonlinear, and distributed designs of droop controls for DC microgrids
A Maknouninejad, Z Qu, FL Lewis, A Davoudi
IEEE Transactions on smart grid 5 (5), 2508-2516, 2014
Realizing unified microgrid voltage profile and loss minimization: A cooperative distributed optimization and control approach
A Maknouninejad, Z Qu
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (4), 1621-1630, 2014
Model‐based learning controls and their comparisons using Lyapunov direct method
Z Qu, JX Xu
Asian Journal of Control 4 (1), 99-110, 2002
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