Controlled metric type spaces and the related contraction principle N Mlaiki, H Aydi, N Souayah, T Abdeljawad
Mathematics 6 (10), 194, 2018
211 2018 Double controlled metric type spaces and some fixed point results T Abdeljawad, N Mlaiki, H Aydi, N Souayah
Mathematics 6 (12), 320, 2018
142 2018 A fixed point theorem in Sb-metric spaces N Souayah, N Mlaiki
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126 2016 FIXED POINT THEOREMS IN Mb -METRIC SPACES. N Mlaiki, A Zarrad, N Souayah, A Mukheimer, T Abdeljawed
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45 2016 A new extension to the controlled metric type spaces endowed with a graph N Mlaiki, N Souayah, T Abdeljawad, H Aydi
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44 2021 FIXED POINT THEOREMS FOR α-Ψ-CONTRACTIVE MAPPING IN Sb -METRIC SPACES. N Mlaiki, A Mukheimer, Y Rohen, N Souayah, T Abdeljawad
Journal of Mathematical Analysis 8 (5), 2017
41 2017 A new generalization of metric spaces: rectangular M -metric spaces NY Özgür, N Mlaiki, N Taş, N Souayah
Mathematical Sciences 12, 223-233, 2018
38 2018 An arc-flow model for the makespan minimization problem on identical parallel machines M Mrad, N Souayah
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33 2018 A fixed point in partial Sb-metric spaces N Souayah
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24 2016 Best proximity point theorems on rectangular metric spaces endowed with a graph N Souayah, H Aydi, T Abdeljawad, N Mlaiki
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19 2018 Risk assessment for discrete stochastic time-cost-quality trade-off problem using simulation-based integer linear programming approach M Mrad, KS Al-Gahtani, R Hulchafo, N Souayah, K Bamatraf
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18 2019 Contraction Principles in -metric Spaces N Mlaiki, N Souayah, K Abodayeh, T Abdeljawad
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13 2022 A coincident point principle for two weakly compatible mappings in partial S-metric spaces. N Souayah, N Mlaiki
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12 2016 On fixed-point results in controlled partial metric type spaces with a graph N Souayah, M Mrad
Mathematics 8 (1), 33, 2019
10 2019 A New Extension to the Intuitionistic Fuzzy Metric-like Spaces F Uddin, U Ishtiaq, K Javed, SS Aiadi, M Arshad, N Souayah, N Mlaiki
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