Ljerka Ostojić
Ljerka Ostojić
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka
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The evolution of self-control
EL MacLean, B Hare, CL Nunn, E Addessi, F Amici, RC Anderson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (20), E2140-E2148, 2014
Evidence suggesting that desire-state attribution may govern food sharing in Eurasian jays
L Ostojić, RC Shaw, LG Cheke, NS Clayton
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013
Behavioural coordination of dogs in a cooperative problem-solving task with a conspecific and a human partner
L Ostojic, NS Clayton
Animal Cognition, 2013
Grow smart and die young: why did cephalopods evolve intelligence?
P Amodio, M Boeckle, AK Schnell, L Ostojíc, G Fiorito, NS Clayton
Trends in ecology & evolution 34 (1), 45-56, 2019
Dominance, pair bonds and boldness determine social-foraging tactics in rooks, Corvus frugilegus
JW Jolles, L Ostojić, NS Clayton
Animal Behaviour, 2013
Can male Eurasian jays disengage from their own current desire to feed the female what she wants?
L Ostojic, EW Legg, RC Shaw, LG Cheke, M Mendl, NS Clayton
Biology Letters, 2014
Current desires of conspecific observers affect cache-protection strategies in California scrub-jays and Eurasian jays
L Ostojić, EW Legg, KF Brecht, F Lange, C Deininger, M Mendl, ...
Current Biology 27 (2), R51-R53, 2017
The illusion of science in comparative cognition
BG Farrar, L Ostojic
PsyArXiv. DOI: https://doi. org/10 31234, 2019
Rook, But Not Jackdaw, Post-Conflict Third-Party Affiliation Reduces Aggression for Aggressors
CJ Logan, L Ostojić, NS Clayton
Ethology 119, 1-9, 2013
Comparing the face inversion effect in crows and humans
KF Brecht, L Wagener, L Ostojić, NS Clayton, A Nieder
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 203, 1017-1027, 2017
Are owners' reports of their dogs’‘guilty look’influenced by the dogs’ action and evidence of the misdeed?
L Ostojić, M Tkalčić, NS Clayton
Behavioural processes 111, 97-100, 2015
The hidden side of animal cognition research: Scientists’ attitudes toward bias, replicability and scientific practice
BG Farrar, L Ostojić, NS Clayton
PloS one 16 (8), e0256607, 2021
Caching at a distance: a cache protection strategy in Eurasian jays
EW Legg, L Ostojić, NS Clayton
Animal Cognition 19, 753-758, 2016
Desire-state attribution: Benefits of a novel paradigm using the food-sharing behavior of Eurasian jays (Garrulus glandarius)
L Ostojić, LG Cheke, RC Shaw, EW Legg, NS Clayton
Communicative & integrative biology 9 (2), 4123-8, 2016
Experimenter expectancy bias does not explain Eurasian jays' (Garrulus glandarius) performance in a desire-state attribution task
L Ostojić, EW Legg, A Dits, N Williams, KF Brecht, M Mendl, NS Clayton
Journal of Comparative Psychology, 2016
Inequity aversion in human adults: Testing behavioural criteria from comparative cognition
L Ostojić, NS Clayton
Animal Cognition 16, 765-772, 2013
The status and value of replications in animal behavior science
K Brecht, EW Legg, C Nawroth, H Fraser, L Ostojić
Animal behavior and cognition 8 (2), 97-106, 2021
Trialling meta-research in comparative cognition: Claims and statistical inference in animal physical cognition
BG Farrar, DM Altschul, J Fischer, J Van Der Mescht, S Placì, CA Troisi, ...
Animal behavior and cognition 7 (3), 419, 2020
Does social distance modulate adults’ egocentric biases when reasoning about false beliefs?
BG Farrar, L Ostojić
Plos one 13 (6), e0198616, 2018
Reporting and interpreting non-significant results in animal cognition research
BG Farrar, A Vernouillet, E Garcia-Pelegrin, EW Legg, KF Brecht, ...
PeerJ 11, e14963, 2023
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