Daniele Apiletti
Daniele Apiletti
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене polito.it
Forecasting: theory and practice
F Petropoulos, D Apiletti, V Assimakopoulos, MZ Babai, DK Barrow, ...
International Journal of Forecasting 38 (3), 705-871, 2022
Real-time analysis of physiological data to support medical applications
D Apiletti, E Baralis, G Bruno, T Cerquitelli
IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine 13 (3), 313-321, 2009
Frequent itemsets mining for big data: a comparative analysis
D Apiletti, E Baralis, T Cerquitelli, P Garza, F Pulvirenti, L Venturini
Big data research 9, 67-83, 2017
Characterizing network traffic by means of the NetMine framework
D Apiletti, E Baralis, T Cerquitelli, V D’Elia
Computer Networks 53 (6), 774-789, 2009
Energy signature analysis: Knowledge at your fingertips
A Acquaviva, D Apiletti, A Attanasio, E Baralis, L Bottaccioli, ...
2015 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, 543-550, 2015
istep, an integrated self-tuning engine for predictive maintenance in industry 4.0
D Apiletti, C Barberis, T Cerquitelli, A Macii, E Macii, M Poncino, F Ventura
2018 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications …, 2018
REDTag: a predictive maintenance framework for parcel delivery services
S Proto, E Di Corso, D Apiletti, L Cagliero, T Cerquitelli, G Malnati, ...
IEEE Access 8, 14953-14964, 2020
Searum: A cloud-based service for association rule mining
D Apiletti, E Baralis, T Cerquitelli, S Chiusano, L Grimaudo
2013 12th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in …, 2013
SeLINA: A self-learning insightful network analyzer
D Apiletti, E Baralis, T Cerquitelli, P Garza, D Giordano, M Mellia, ...
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 13 (3), 696-710, 2016
Energy-saving models for wireless sensor networks
D Apiletti, E Baralis, T Cerquitelli
Knowledge and Information Systems 28, 615-644, 2011
Data cleaning and semantic improvement in biological databases
D Apiletti, G Bruno, E Ficarra, E Baralis
Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics 3 (2), 219-229, 2006
A parallel mapreduce algorithm to efficiently support itemset mining on high dimensional data
D Apiletti, E Baralis, T Cerquitelli, P Garza, F Pulvirenti, P Michiardi
Big Data Research 10, 53-69, 2017
PREMISES, a scalable data-driven service to predict alarms in slowly-degrading multi-cycle industrial processes
S Proto, F Ventura, D Apiletti, T Cerquitelli, E Baralis, E Macii, A Macii
2019 IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigDataCongress), 139-143, 2019
Attention to fires: Multi-channel deep learning models for wildfire severity prediction
S Monaco, S Greco, A Farasin, L Colomba, D Apiletti, P Garza, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (22), 11060, 2021
Training physics-informed neural networks: One learning to rule them all?
S Monaco, D Apiletti
Results in Engineering 18, 101023, 2023
Correlating espresso quality with coffee-machine parameters by means of association rule mining
D Apiletti, E Pastor
Electronics 9 (1), 100, 2020
Metatech: Meteorological data analysis for thermal energy characterization by means of self-learning transparent models
E Di Corso, T Cerquitelli, D Apiletti
Energies 11 (6), 1336, 2018
Pampa-HD: A parallel MapReduce-based frequent pattern miner for high-dimensional data
D Apiletti, E Baralis, T Cerquitelli, P Garza, P Michiardi, F Pulvirenti
2015 IEEE international conference on data mining workshop (ICDMW), 839-846, 2015
Towards a real-time unsupervised estimation of predictive model degradation
T Cerquitelli, S Proto, F Ventura, D Apiletti, E Baralis
Proceedings of real-time business intelligence and analytics, 1-6, 2019
A new unsupervised predictive-model self-assessment approach that SCALEs
F Ventura, S Proto, D Apiletti, T Cerquitelli, S Panicucci, E Baralis, E Macii, ...
2019 IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigDataCongress), 144-148, 2019
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