Todd M. Jones
Todd M. Jones
Archbold Biological Station
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Variation in nestling body condition and wing development predict cause‐specific mortality in fledgling dickcissels
TM Jones, MP Ward, TJ Benson, JD Brawn
Journal of Avian Biology 48 (3), 439-447, 2017
Dynamic selective environments and evolutionary traps in human‐dominated landscapes
AD Rodewald, DP Shustack, TM Jones
Ecology 92 (9), 1781-1788, 2011
Variation in plumage coloration of northern cardinals in urbanizing landscapes
TM Jones, AD Rodewald, DP Shustack
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122 (2), 326-333, 2010
Pre‐to post‐fledging carryover effects and the adaptive significance of variation in wing development for juvenile songbirds
TM Jones, MP Ward
Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (10), 2235-2245, 2020
Parental benefits and offspring costs reflect parent–offspring conflict over the age of fledging among songbirds
TM Jones, JD Brawn, IJ Ausprey, AC Vitz, AD Rodewald, DW Raybuck, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (48), 30539-30546, 2020
Post-fledging habitat use in the Dickcissel
TM Jones, JD Brawn, MP Ward
The Condor: Ornithological Applications 119 (3), 497-504, 2017
Observations of mortality and anti-predator behavior of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (Archilocus colubris) during migratory stopover.
TJ Zenzal Jr, AC Fish, TM Jones, EA Ospina, FR Moore
Southeastern Naturalist 12 (4), 2013
Pervasive impacts of invasive brown treesnakes drive low fledgling survival in endangered Micronesian Starlings (Aplonis opaca) on Guam
HS Pollock, JA Savidge, M Kastner, TF Seibert, TM Jones
The Condor 121 (2), duz014, 2019
Does the size and developmental stage of traits at fledging reflect juvenile flight ability among songbirds?
TM Jones, TJ Benson, MP Ward
Functional Ecology 34 (4), 799-810, 2020
Development of activity rates in fledgling songbirds: when do young birds begin to behave like adults?
TM Jones, JD Brawn, MP Ward
Behaviour 155 (5), 337-350, 2018
Recent sightings of Kirtland's Warblers on San Salvador Island, The Bahamas
TM Jones, ME Akresh, DI King
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125 (3), 637-642, 2013
Rapid colonization and turnover of birds in a tropical forest treefall gap
HS Pollock, TM Jones, CE Tarwater, ET Nishikawa, JD Brawn
Journal of Field Ornithology 91 (2), 107-117, 2020
Early‐life patterns of growth are linked to levels of phenotypic trait covariance and postfledging mortality across avian species
L Merrill, TM Jones, JD Brawn, MP Ward
Ecology and Evolution 11 (22), 15695-15707, 2021
Hatching failure is greater in altricial bird species with cavity nests and large clutches
AJ Di Giovanni, MJ Miller, TM Jones, TJ Benson, MP Ward
Ornithology 140 (1), ukac048, 2023
Parasitic cowbird development up to fledging and subsequent post-fledging survival reflect life history variation found across host species
TM Jones, MP Ward
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 75, 1-10, 2021
Considerations for radio-transmitter specifications on songbirds: color and antenna length matter too
TM Jones, NW Cooper, HA Haradon, AR Brunner, BC Dossman, ...
Journal of Field Ornithology 95 (1), 7, 2024
Ontogenetic effects of brood parasitism by the Brown‐headed Cowbird on host offspring
TM Jones, AJ Di Giovanni, ME Hauber, MP Ward
Ecology 104 (3), e3925, 2023
Nesting and post‐fledging predation risk influence diel patterns of songbird fledging
TM Jones, SJ Chiavacci, TJ Benson, MP Ward
Ibis 166, 411-423, 2024
Phenotypic signatures of urbanization? Resident, but not migratory, songbird eye size varies with urban‐associated light pollution levels
TM Jones, AP Llamas, JN Phillips
Global Change Biology 29 (23), 6635-6646, 2023
Host community-wide patterns of post-fledging behavior and survival of obligate brood parasitic brown-headed cowbirds
TM Jones, TJ Benson, ME Hauber, MP Ward
Oecologia 198 (4), 981-993, 2022
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