Alan Lynch
Alan Lynch
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta
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Inner–outer loop control for quadrotor UAVs with input and state constraints
N Cao, AF Lynch
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 24 (5), 1797-1804, 2015
Flatness-based boundary control of a class of quasilinear parabolic distributed parameter systems
AF Lynch, J Rudolph
International Journal of Control 75 (15), 1219-1230, 2002
Experimental validation of nonlinear control for a voltage source converter
E Song, AF Lynch, V Dinavahi
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 17 (5), 1135-1144, 2009
Invariant observer design for a helicopter UAV aided inertial navigation system
M Barczyk, AF Lynch
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 21 (3), 791-806, 2012
Modeling automotive gas-exchange solenoid valve actuators
RR Chladny, CR Koch, AF Lynch
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 41 (3), 1155-1162, 2005
Flatness-based feedback control of an automotive solenoid valve
SK Chung, CR Koch, AF Lynch
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 15 (2), 394-401, 2007
Nonlinear tension observers for web machines
AF Lynch, SA Bortoff, K Röbenack
Automatica 40 (9), 1517-1524, 2004
Nonlinear observers with approximately linear error dynamics: The multivariable case
AF Lynch, SA Bortoff
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 46 (6), 927-932, 2001
Experimental validation of a helicopter autopilot design using model-based PID control
B Godbolt, NI Vitzilaios, AF Lynch
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 70, 385-399, 2013
Integration of a triaxial magnetometer into a helicopter UAV GPS-aided INS
M Barczyk, AF Lynch
IEEE transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 48 (4), 2947-2960, 2012
Precision tracking of a rotating shaft with magnetic bearings by nonlinear decoupled disturbance observers
TR Grochmal, AF Lynch
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 15 (6), 1112-1121, 2007
Input saturated visual servoing for unmanned aerial vehicles
H Xie, AF Lynch
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 22 (2), 952-960, 2016
Adaptive control of a voltage source converter for power factor correction
RM Milasi, AF Lynch, YW Li
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 28 (10), 4767-4779, 2012
Adaptive output-feedback image-based visual servoing for quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles
H Xie, AF Lynch, KH Low, S Mao
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 28 (3), 1034-1041, 2019
Output-feedback image-based visual servoing for multirotor unmanned aerial vehicle line following
MA Rafique, AF Lynch
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 56 (4), 3182-3196, 2020
High-gain nonlinear observer design using the observer canonical form
K Robenack, AF Lynch
IET Control Theory & Applications 1 (6), 1574-1579, 2007
Flatness-based boundary control of a nonlinear parabolic equation modelling a tubular reactor
AF Lynch, J Rudolph
Nonlinear control in the year 2000 volume 2, 45-54, 2007
Multiple time scalings of a multi-output observer form
Y Wang, AF Lynch
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 55 (4), 966-971, 2010
Dynamic IBVS of a rotary wing UAV using line features
H Xie, AF Lynch, M Jagersand
Robotica 34 (9), 2009-2026, 2016
Invariant extended Kalman filter design for a magnetometer-plus-GPS aided inertial navigation system
M Barczyk, AF Lynch
2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control …, 2011
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