Joachim Rock
Joachim Rock
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Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене vti.bund.de
Adaptive forest management in central Europe: climate change impacts, strategies and integrative concept
A Bolte, C Ammer, M Löf, P Madsen, GJ Nabuurs, P Schall, P Spathelf, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 24 (6), 473-482, 2009
Refinement to the 2006 IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories
SM Ogle, WA Kurz, C Green, A Brandon, J Baldock, G Domke, M Herold, ...
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2019
A synopsis of land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) under the Kyoto Protocol and Marrakech Accords
B Schlamadinger, N Bird, T Johns, S Brown, J Canadell, L Ciccarese, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 10 (4), 271-282, 2007
Release of coarse woody detritus-related carbon: a synthesis across forest biomes
ME Harmon, BG Fasth, M Yatskov, D Kastendick, J Rock, CW Woodall
Carbon balance and management 15, 1-21, 2020
Hotspots of the European forests carbon cycle
GJ Nabuurs, E Thürig, N Heidema, K Armolaitis, P Biber, E Cienciala, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 256 (3), 194-200, 2008
Estimating decomposition rate constants for European tree species from literature sources
J Rock, FW Badeck, ME Harmon
European Journal of Forest Research 127, 301-313, 2008
Carbon sequestration and forest management.
R Jandl, L Vesterdal, M Olsson, O Bens, F Badeck, J Roc
CABI Reviews, 16 pp., 2007
Potentials and impacts of short-rotation coppice plantation with aspen in Eastern Germany under conditions of climate change
P Lasch, C Kollas, J Rock, F Suckow
Regional Environmental Change 10, 83-94, 2010
Steigendes klimatisches Waldbrandrisiko
FW Badeck, P Lasch, Y Hauf, J Rock, F Suckow, K Thonicke
AFZ/Der Wald 59 (2), 90-93, 2004
Spatial aspects of the influence of silver birch (Betula pendula L.) on growth and quality of young oaks (Quercus spp.) in central Germany
J Rock, KJ Puettmann, HA Gockel, A Schulte
Forestry 77 (3), 235-247, 2004
Klimawandel in Nordrhein-Westfalen–Regionale Abschätzung der Anfälligkeit ausgewählter Sektoren
J Kropp, A Holsten, T Lissner, O Roithmeier, F Hattermann, S Huang, ...
Abschlussbericht des Potsdam-Instituts für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK) für …, 2009
Costs and carbon sequestration potential of alternative forest management measures in Germany
M Bösch, P Elsasser, J Rock, S Rüter, H Weimar, M Dieter
Forest policy and Economics 78, 88-97, 2017
Handlungsoptionen für den Klimaschutz in der deutschen Agrar-und Forstwirtschaft
B Osterburg, S Rüter, A Freibauer, T de Witte, P Elsasser, S Kätsch, ...
Thünen Report, 2013
Suitability of published biomass equations for aspen in central Europe—Results from a case study
J Rock
Biomass and Bioenergy 31 (5), 299-307, 2007
Bioenergy potential in Germany-assessing spatial patterns of biomass production with aspen short-rotation coppice
C Kollas, P Lasch, J Rock, F Suckow
International Agrophysics 23 (4), 343-352, 2009
Extent and costs of forest-based climate change mitigation in Germany: accounting for substitution
M Bösch, P Elsasser, J Rock, H Weimar, M Dieter
Carbon Management 10 (2), 127-134, 2019
Assessing progress in MRV capacity development: experience with a scorecard approach
T Neeff, Z Somogyi, C Schultheis, E Mertens, J Rock, J Brötz, K Dunger, ...
Climate Policy 17 (2), 203-212, 2017
Wie viel Holznutzung ist gut fürs Klima
S Rüter, J Rock, M Köthke, M Dieter
AFZ/Der Wald 15, 19-21, 2011
Klimawandel und Kulturlandschaft Berlin
H Lotze-Campen, L Claussen, A Dosch, S Noleppa, J Rock, J Schuler, ...
PIK, 2009
Aufforsten mit Eichen-Trupppflanzungen
H Gockel, J Rock, A Schulte
AFZ/der Wald 5, 223-226, 2001
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