Dynamic rays of bounded-type entire functions G Rottenfusser, J Rückert, L Rempe, D Schleicher
arXiv preprint arXiv:0704.3213, 2007
172 * 2007 Rigidity of escaping dynamics for transcendental entire functions L Rempe
Acta mathematica 203 (2), 235-267, 2009
90 2009 Topological dynamics of exponential maps on their escaping sets L Rempe
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 26 (6), 1939-1975, 2006
61 2006 Non-autonomous conformal iterated function systems and Moran-set constructions L Rempe-Gillen, M Urbański
Preprint arXiv:1210.7469, 2012; to appear in Transactions of the American …, 2012
53 * 2012 Classification of escaping exponential maps M Förster, L Rempe, D Schleicher
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 136 (2), 651-663, 2008
52 2008 On a question of Eremenko concerning escaping components of entire functions L Rempe
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 39 (4), 661-666, 2007
50 2007 Dynamics of exponential maps L Rempe
Christian-Albrechts Universität Kiel, 2003
46 2003 Bifurcations in the space of exponential maps L Rempe, D Schleicher
Inventiones mathematicae 175 (1), 103-135, 2009
42 2009 Hyperbolic dimension and radial Julia sets of transcendental functions L Rempe
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 137 (4), 1411-1420, 2009
40 2009 Brushing the hairs of transcendental entire functions K Barański, X Jarque, L Rempe
Topology and its Applications 159 (8), 2102-2114, 2012
39 2012 Siegel disks and periodic rays of entire functions L Rempe
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal) 2008 (624 …, 2008
39 2008 Absence of line fields and Mané’s theorem for nonrecurrent transcendental functions L Rempe, S Van Strien
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 363 (1), 203-228, 2011
36 2011 Hyperbolic entire functions and the Eremenko–Lyubich class: Class or not class ? L Rempe-Gillen, D Sixsmith
Mathematische Zeitschrift 286 (3), 783-800, 2017
34 2017 On nonlanding dynamic rays of exponential maps L Rempe
arXiv preprint math/0511588, 2005
34 2005 Absence of wandering domains for some real entire functions with bounded singular sets H Mihaljević-Brandt, L Rempe-Gillen
Mathematische Annalen 357, 1577-1604, 2013
33 2013 Hyperbolic entire functions with bounded Fatou components W Bergweiler, N Fagella, L Rempe-Gillen
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 90 (4), 799-829, 2015
32 2015 Arc-like continua, Julia sets of entire functions, and Eremenko's Conjecture L Rempe-Gillen
arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.06278, 2016
29 2016 The escaping set of the exponential L Rempe
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 30 (2), 595-599, 2010
28 2010 Are Devaney hairs fast escaping? L Rempe, PJ Rippon, GM Stallard
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 16 (5-6), 739-762, 2010
27 2010 A landing theorem for periodic rays of exponential maps L Rempe
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 134 (9), 2639-2648, 2006
27 2006