Ilona Pál
Ilona Pál
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Holocene fire-regime changes near the treeline in the Retezat Mts.(Southern Carpathians, Romania)
W Finsinger, J Fevre, I Orbán, I Pál, I Vincze, K Hubay, HH Birks, M Braun, ...
Quaternary International 477, 94-105, 2018
Holocene treeline and timberline changes in the South Carpathians (Romania): Climatic and anthropogenic drivers on the southern slopes of the Retezat Mountains
I Vincze, I Orbán, HH Birks, I Pál, W Finsinger, K Hubay, E Marinova, ...
The Holocene 27 (11), 1613-1630, 2017
Treeline and timberline dynamics on the northern and southern slopes of the Retezat Mountains (Romania) during the late glacial and the Holocene
I Orbán, HH Birks, I Vincze, W Finsinger, I Pál, E Marinova, G Jakab, ...
Quaternary International 477, 59-78, 2018
Warm Younger Dryas summers and early late glacial spread of temperate deciduous trees in the Pannonian Basin during the last glacial termination (20-9 kyr cal BP)
EK Magyari, I Pál, I Vincze, D Veres, G Jakab, M Braun, Z Szalai, Z Szabó, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 225, 105980, 2019
Ultra-distal fine ash occurrences of the Icelandic Askja-S Plinian eruption deposits in Southern Carpathian lakes: New age constraints on a continental scale …
R Kearney, PG Albert, RA Staff, I Pál, D Veres, E Magyari, CB Ramsey
Quaternary Science Reviews 188, 174-182, 2018
Timing of major forest compositional changes and tree expansions in the Retezat Mts during the last 16,000 years
E Magyari, I Vincze, I Orbán, T Bíró, I Pál
Quaternary International 477, 40-58, 2018
Ecosystem shift of a mountain lake under climate and human pressure: A move out from the safe operating space
Z Szabó, K Buczkó, A Haliuc, I Pál, JL Korponai, RC Begy, D Veres, ...
Science of the Total Environment 743, 140584, 2020
Small-scale moisture availability increase during the 8.2-ka climatic event inferred from biotic proxy records in the South Carpathians (SE Romania)
I Pál, EK Magyari, M Braun, I Vincze, J Pálfy, M Molnár, W Finsinger, ...
The Holocene 26 (9), 1382-1396, 2016
Holocene environmental changes as recorded in the geochemistry of glacial lake sediments from Retezat Mountains, South Carpathians
K Hubay, M Braun, K Buczkó, I Pál, D Veres, M Túri, T Biró, E Magyari
Quaternary International 477, 19-39, 2018
Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem responses to early Holocene rapid climate change (RCC) events in the South Carpathian Mountains, Romania
I Pál, K Buczkó, I Vincze, W Finsinger, M Braun, T Biró, EK Magyari
Quaternary International 477, 79-93, 2018
Social context of late medieval and early modern deforestation periods in the Apuseni Mountains (Romania) based on an integrated evaluation of historical and paleobotanical records
G Jakab, I Pál, L Silye, P Sümegi, A Tóth, B Sümegi, JP Frink, EK Magyari, ...
Environmental Archaeology 28 (5), 345-366, 2023
Mammal extinction facilitated biome shift and human population change during the last glacial termination in East-Central Europe
EK Magyari, M Gasparik, I Major, G Lengyel, I Pál, A Virág, J Korponai, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 6796, 2022
Plant macrofossils from lake sediment as the material to assess ancient genetic diversity: Did deforestation influence Norway spruce (Picea abies) in the South Carpathians?
B Lendvay, M Bálint, I Pál, I Vincze, I Orbán, EK Magyari
Quaternary International 477, 106-116, 2018
Relict anthropogenic ecosystem from the middle ages: history of a salt marsh from transylvania (Sic, N Romania)
G Jakab, L Silye, P Sümegi, A Tóth, B Sümegi, I Pál, E Benkő
Environmental Archaeology 25 (1), 96-113, 2020
A holocén gyors klímaváltozásaira adott vegetációválaszok vizsgálata a Déli-Kárpátok Retyezát hegységében
I Pál
The impact of the 8.2 ka rapid climate change event on the vegetation and lake ecosystem of the South Carpathain Mountains, Romania
I Pál, E Magyari, K Buczko, M Braun, J Pálfy, M Molnar, W Finsinger
9th European Palaeobotany-Palynology Conference. Konferencia helye, ideje …, 2014
At an important tephrostratigraphic crossroads: cryptotephra in Late Glacial to Early Holocene lake sediments from the Carpathian Mountains, Romania
RJ Kearney, PG Albert, RA Staff, EK Magyari, I Pál, D Veres, CS Lane, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 330, 108558, 2024
Emerging mediaeval heritage: Environmental history research at Băgău (c. Alba, Romania) and the Bottomless Lake (Tăul fără fund)
E Benkő, L Silye, A Tóth, I Pál, FJ Pál, G Jakab
Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 73 (2), 191-203, 2022
Rövid távú koraholocén (8200 év) klímafluktuációk vegetációra gyakorolt hatása a Déli-Kárpátok Retyezát hegységben
I Pál
Investigations of radiation stimulation of tomatoes, onions and radishes in climatic chamber and field conditions
J Shimon, I Pal
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