Newly identified climatically and environmentally significant high latitude dust sources O Meinander, P Dagsson-Waldhauserova, P Amosov, E Aseyeva, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 2021, 1-74, 2021
88 2021 Thermal regime and components of water balance of lakes in Antarctica at the Fildes peninsula and the Larsemann Hills E Shevnina, E Kourzeneva
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 69 (1), 1317202, 2017
42 2017 Assessment of extreme flood events in changing climate for a long-term planning of socio-economic infrastructure in the Russian Arctic E Shevnina, E Kurzeneva, V Kovalenko, T Vihma
Copernicus GmbH, 2017
16 2017 How much water will be available for irrigation in the future? The Syr Darya Basin (Central Asia). OS Savoskul, EV Shevnina, F Perziger, V Barburin, A Danshin
Climate change in contrasting river basins: adaptation strategies for water …, 2004
12 2004 Retention time of lakes in the Larsemann Hills oasis, East Antarctica E Shevnina, E Kourzeneva, Y Dvornikov, I Fedorova
The Cryosphere 15 (6), 2667-2682, 2021
9 2021 Long-term variability and methods of forecasting dates of ice break-up in the mouth area of the Ob and Yenisei rivers EV Shevnina, ZS Solov’eva
Russian Meteorology and Hydrology 33, 458-465, 2008
6 2008 Meteorological parameters and water balance components of Priyadarshini Lake at the Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica PR Dhote, PK Thakur, E Shevnina, S Kaushik, A Verma, Y Ray, ...
Polar Science 30, 100763, 2021
5 2021 Climate change will increase potential hydropower production in six Arctic Council member countries based on probabilistic hydrological projections E Shevnina, K Pilli-Sihvola, R Haavisto, T Vihma, A Silaev
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2018, 1-31, 2018
5 2018 Ispolzovanie GIS-technologii dlya otsenki plosсhaydey zatopleniya v raione porta Dudinka EV Shevnina, VP Soboleva
Problemi Arctiki i Antarctiki, 89, 2011
4 2011 The probabilistic hydrological MARCS (the MARkov Chain System) model: its structure and core version 0.2 E Shevnina, A Silaev
Geoscientific Model Development 12 (7), 2767-2780, 2019
3 2019 Probabilistic projections of annual runoff and potential hydropower production in Finland E Shevnina, A Silaev, T Vihma
Universal Journal of Geoscience 7 (2), 43-55, 2019
3 2019 Guideline to estimate a multi-year runoff regime under non-steady climate to design hydraulic contractions VV Kovalenko, NV Victorova, EV Gaydukova, MA Gromova, VA Khaustov, ...
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего …, 2010
3 2010 Methods of long-range forecasting of dates of the spring flood beginning and peak flow in the estuary sections of the Ob and Yenisei rivers EV Shevnina
Russian Meteorology and Hydrology 34, 51-57, 2009
3 2009 Evaporation over a glacial lake in Antarctica E Shevnina, M Potes, T Vihma, T Naakka, PR Dhote, PK Thakur
The Cryosphere 16 (8), 3101-3121, 2022
2 2022 Water balance and thermal regime of lakes in Antarctic Oases E Shevnina, E Kourzeneva, M Nuruzzama
Antarctica-A Key To Global Change, 2018
2 2018 Irrigated crop production in the Syr Darya Basin: climate change rehearsal in the 1990s. O Savoskul, E Shevnina
Climate change and agricultural water management in Developing Countries …, 2016
2 2016 Changes of maximal flow regime in Arctic EV Shevnina
Stroitel'stvo Unikal'nyh Zdanij i Sooruzenij, 128, 2014
2 2014 Retention time of lakes in the Larsemann Hills oasis, East Antarctica E Shevnina, E Kourzeneva, Y Dvornikov, I Fedorova
The Cryosphere Discussions 2020, 1-23, 2020
1 2020 Evaporation over lakes of the Schirmacher oasis, East Antarctica E Shevnina, E Kourzeneva, M Potes
Комплексные исследования природной среды Арктики и Антарктики, 199-199, 2020
1 2020 The probabilistic hydrological model MARCS (MARkov Chain System): the theoretical basis for the core version 0.2 E Shevnina, A Silaev
Geoscientific Model Development: Discussion, 2018
1 2018