Geodesics of electrically and magnetically charged test particles in the<? format?> Reissner-Nordström space-time: Analytical solutions S Grunau, V Kagramanova
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 83 (4), 044009, 2011
150 2011 Detailed study of geodesics in the Kerr-Newman-(A)dS spacetime and the rotating charged black hole spacetime in gravity S Soroushfar, R Saffari, S Kazempour, S Grunau, J Kunz
Physical Review D 94 (2), 024052, 2016
40 2016 Geodesic motion around traversable wormholes supported by a massless conformally coupled scalar field F Willenborg, S Grunau, B Kleihaus, J Kunz
Physical Review D 97 (12), 124002, 2018
37 2018 Geodesic motion in the singly spinning black ring spacetime S Grunau, V Kagramanova, J Kunz, C Lämmerzahl
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 86 (10), 104002, 2012
34 2012 Geodesic motion in the (rotating) black string spacetime S Grunau, B Khamesra
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 87 (12), 124019, 2013
28 2013 Analytic solutions of the geodesic equation for Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton-axion black holes K Flathmann, S Grunau
Physical Review D 92 (10), 104027, 2015
25 2015 Geodesic motion in the (charged) doubly spinning black ring spacetime S Grunau, V Kagramanova, J Kunz
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 87 (4), 044054, 2013
25 2013 Topological black holes in mimetic gravity A Sheykhi, S Grunau
International Journal of Modern Physics A 36 (27), 2150186, 2021
17 2021 Analytic treatment of complete geodesics in a static cylindrically symmetric conformal spacetime B Hoseini, R Saffari, S Soroushfar, S Grunau, J Kunz
Physical Review D 94 (4), 044021, 2016
17 2016 Analytic solutions of the geodesic equation for dyonic rotating black holes K Flathmann, S Grunau
Physical Review D 94 (12), 124013, 2016
12 2016 Innermost stable circular orbit of charged particles in Reissner-Nordström, Kerr-Newman, and Kerr-Sen spacetimes K Schroven, S Grunau
Physical Review D 103 (2), 024016, 2021
8 2021 Geodesic motion in the five-dimensional Myers-Perry-AdS spacetime S Grunau, H Neumann, S Reimers
Physical Review D 97 (4), 044011, 2018
8 2018 Thermodynamics of a rotating black hole in minimal five-dimensional gauged supergravity S Grunau, H Neumann
Classical and Quantum Gravity 32 (17), 175004, 2015
8 2015 Charged dilatonic black rings and black saturns and their thermodynamics S Grunau
Physical Review D 90 (6), 064022, 2014
8 2014 Motion of charged particles around a scalarized black hole in Kaluza-Klein theory S Grunau, M Kruse
Physical Review D 101 (2), 024051, 2020
4 2020 Geodesic motion around a supersymmetric black hole JC Drawer, S Grunau
The European Physical Journal C 80 (6), 536, 2020
2 2020 Hyperelliptic functions and motion in general relativity S Grunau, J Kunz
Mathematics 10 (12), 1958, 2022
2022 Geodesic motion around a supersymmetric [Formula omitted] black hole. JC Drawer, S Grunau
The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 80 (6), NA-NA, 2020
2020 Geodesic Motion of Charged Particles around an Extremal Black Hole in Kaluza-Klein Theory S Grunau, M Kruse
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.09835, 2019
2019 Geodesic motion in the spacetime of a static charged black hole in f (R) gravity S Soroushfar, R Saffari, S Grunau
arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.08975, 2016