Общедоступные статьи - Lucine Francis, PhD, RNПодробнее...
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A mixed-methods systematic review identifying, describing, and examining the effects of school-based care coordination programs in the US on all reported outcomes
L Francis, K DePriest, P Sharps, P Wilson, C Ling, J Bowie, RJ Thorpe Jr
Preventive medicine 153, 106850, 2021
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Lessons learned from implementing snap‐ed in a nursing/k‐8 partnership school during the pandemic
L Francis, A Patel, A Hasan, O Kylander, L Williams, MB Levin, ...
Public Health Nursing 39 (3), 673-676, 2022
Финансирование: US Department of Agriculture
13 статей доступны в некоторых источниках
What is parent engagement in early learning? Depends who you ask
D Gross, AF Bettencourt, K Taylor, L Francis, K Bower, DL Singleton
Journal of Child and Family Studies 29, 747-760, 2020
Финансирование: US Institute of Education Sciences, US Department of Education
Child poverty, toxic stress, and social determinants of health: screening and care coordination
L Francis, K DePriest, M Wilson, D Gross
Online journal of issues in nursing 23 (3), 2, 2018
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Examining the obesogenic attributes of the family child care home environment: a literature review
L Francis, L Shodeinde, MM Black, J Allen
Journal of obesity 2018 (1), 3490651, 2018
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Heterogeneity of cardiovascular disease risk factors among Asian immigrants: insights from the 2010 to 2018 National Health Interview Survey
B Koirala, RA Turkson‐Ocran, D Baptiste, B Koirala, L Francis, ...
Journal of the American Heart Association 10 (13), e020408, 2021
Финансирование: American Heart Association
Disordered eating among African American and African Caribbean women: The influence of intimate partner violence, depression, and PTSD
MB Lucea, L Francis, B Sabri, JC Campbell, DW Campbell
Issues in mental health nursing 33 (8), 513-521, 2012
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Randomized trials of nurse-delivered interventions in weight management research: a systematic review
L Petit Francis, E Spaulding, RA Turkson-Ocran, J Allen
Western journal of nursing research 39 (8), 1120-1150, 2017
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Unique experiences of direct entry BSN/BS-PhD nursing students: A Delphi study
J Xu, L Francis, J Dine, TH Thomas
Nurse education today 69, 30-34, 2018
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Hidden figures of nursing: the historical contributions of Black nurses and a narrative for those who are unnamed, undocumented and underrepresented
DL Baptiste, S Turner, N Josiah, J Arscott, C Alvarez, RA Turkson-Ocran, ...
Journal of advanced nursing 77 (4), 1627, 2021
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Identifying meaningful indicators of parent engagement in early learning for low-income, urban families
AF Bettencourt, D Gross, K Bower, L Francis, K Taylor, DL Singleton, ...
Urban Education 58 (10), 2308-2345, 2023
Финансирование: US Institute of Education Sciences, US Department of Education
Examining nutrition and physical activity policies and practices in Maryland's child care centers
K Bussell, L Francis, B Armstrong, S Kilby, MM Black, ER Hager
Childhood Obesity 14 (6), 403-411, 2018
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
A systematic appraisal of the information, engagement, aesthetic and functional quality of nutrition-related smartphone apps for children and adolescents
L Francis, EM Spaulding, A Patel, N Perrin
Public health nutrition 26 (7), 1368-1379, 2023
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Food desert status of family child care homes: relationship to young children’s food quality
L Francis, N Perrin, FC Curriero, MM Black, JK Allen
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (11), 6393, 2022
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Mealtime environment and feeding practices in urban family child care homes in the United States
L Francis, N Perrin, MM Black, JK Allen
Childhood Obesity 18 (2), 102-111, 2022
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
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