Sarah Struthers
Sarah Struthers
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh
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The effect of beak tissue sloughing and post-treatment beak shape on the productivity of infrared beak-treated layer pullets and hens
S Struthers, HL Classen, S Gomis, K Schwean-Lardner
Poultry Science 98 (9), 3637-3646, 2019
The impact of beak tissue sloughing and beak shape variation on the behavior and welfare of infrared beak-treated layer pullets and hens
S Struthers, HL Classen, S Gomis, TG Crowe, K Schwean-Lardner
Poultry Science 98 (10), 4269-4281, 2019
Understanding how infrared beak treatment affects the beak tissue and the healing response of brown and white feathered layer pullets
S Struthers, A Gupta, S Gomis, E Herwig, K Schwean-Lardner
Animals 9 (9), 665, 2019
Research Note: Beak morphology of infrared beak–treated laying hens and its impact on production and welfare
C Hughes, S Struthers, T Shynkaruk, S Gomis, A Gupta, ...
Poultry science 99 (3), 1395-1399, 2020
Specialized beak blunting feeders and their potential as an alternative to current beak treatment methods in leghorn pullets
S Struthers, K Buchynski, J Chew, S Gomis, E Herwig, T Shynkaruk, ...
Journal of Applied Poultry Research 31 (4), 100285, 2022
Determining the variation in premaxillary and dentary bone morphology that may underlie beak shape between two pure layer lines
S Struthers, B Andersson, M Schmutz, HA McCormack, PW Wilson, ...
Poultry Science 100 (12), 101500, 2021
The impact of infrared beak treatment on the production, behaviour, and welfare of layer pullets and hens
S Struthers
University of Saskatchewan, 2018
The impact of infrared beak treatment on turkey tom and hen beak length and performance to 12 weeks of age
S Struthers, T Fiss, HL Classen, S Gomis, E Herwig, K Schwean-Lardner
Poultry Science 101 (4), 101737, 2022
Using naturally-occurring variation in beak morphology to reduce feather pecking damage in laying hens
S Struthers
The University of Edinburgh, 2023
An analysis of the maxillary beak shape variation between two pure layer lines and its relationship to the underlying premaxillary bone, feather cover, and mortality
S Struthers, B Andersson, M Schmutz, O Matika, HA McCormack, ...
Poultry Science 102, 102854, 2023
The effect of infrared beak treatment on the welfare of turkeys reared to 12 weeks of age
S Struthers, T Fiss, HL Classen, S Gomis, R Dickinson, TG Crowe, ...
Poultry Science 101 (4), 101728, 2022
Examining the relationship between different naturally-occurring maxillary beak shapes and their ability to cause damage in commercial laying hens
S Struthers, IC Dunn, JJ Schoenebeck, V Sandilands
British Poultry Science 65 (2), 105-110, 2024
Is oviposition time and oviposition interval associated with the deposition of cuticle on the hen’s egg?
IC Dunn, PW Wilson, S Struthers, B Andersson, M Schmutz, L Hattendorf, ...
British Poultry Science, 1-6, 2024
Corrigendum to" An analysis of the maxillary beak shape variation between 2 pure layer lines and its relationship to the underlying premaxillary bone, feather cover, and …
S Struthers, B Andersson, M Schmutz, O Matika, HA McCormack, ...
Poultry Science 102 (11), 103049, 2023
Determining the heritability of premaxillary bone shape and size within two populations of pure line laying hens
S Struthers, B Andersson, M Schmutz, HA McCormack, PW Wilson, ...
Proceeding of 12th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock …, 2022
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