Головина Екатерина Ильинична (Golovina Ekaterina I.)
Головина Екатерина Ильинична (Golovina Ekaterina I.)
Санкт-Петербургский горный университет (Saint Petersburg Mining University)
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Citované v
Citované v
Problems of reflecting information on subsoil assets in International Financial Reporting Standards
NV Pashkevich, TA Tarabarinova, EI Golovina
Academy of Strategic Management Journal 17 (3), 1-9, 2018
Possibilities of using the unitization model in the development of transboundary groundwater deposits
E Golovina, O Shchelkonogova
Water 15 (2), 298, 2023
Organizational, economic and regulatory aspects of groundwater resources extraction by individuals (case of the Russian Federation)
E Golovina, V Khloponina, P Tsiglianu, R Zhu
Resources 12 (8), 89, 2023
The demographic factor impact on the economics of the arctic region
IG Gerasimova, IS Oblova, EI Golovina
Resources 10 (11), 117, 2021
Sustainable management of transboundary groundwater resources: Past and future
E Golovina, S Pasternak, P Tsiglianu, N Tselischev
Sustainability 13 (21), 12102, 2021
Management of groundwater resources in transboundary territories (on the example of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Estonia)
EI Golovina, AV Grebneva
Записки Горного института 252, 788-800, 2021
Stability of temperature field of the distributed control system
Y Ilyushin, E Golovina
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 15 (5), 664-668, 2020
Capitalization of mineral resources as an innovation ecological strategy
TA Tarabarinova, EI Golovina
Geol. Miner. Resour. Sib 4, 86-96, 2021
Problems of groundwater extraction from transboundary aquifers and complexes
EI Golovina
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 151 (1), 012007, 2018
Features of groundwater resources management in the transboundary territories (on the example of the Kaliningrad region)
EI Golovina, AV Grebneva
Geol. Miner. Resour. Sib 4, 85-94, 2022
Publication of reporting of metallurgical companies in context of the concept of corporate sustainable development
TA Chvileva, EI Golovina
Journal of Industrial Pollution Control 33 (1), 926-930, 2017
Strategic issues groundwater extraction management in Russia
EI Golovina
Journal of Ecological Engineering 18 (3), 13-21, 2017
Cost estimate as a tool for managing fresh groundwater resources in the Russian Federation
EI Golovina, B Tselmeg
Geol. Miner. Resour. Sib 4, 81-91, 2023
Some aspects of groundwater resources management in transboundary areas
E Golovina, A Grebneva
Journal of Ecological Engineering 22 (4), 106-118, 2021
Possibilities of Using the Unitization Model in the Development of Transboundary Groundwater Deposits. Water (Switzerland), 2023, 15 (2), 298
E Golovina, O Shchelkonogova
Modern trends in the field of solving transboundary problems in groundwater extraction
E Golovina, K Karennik
Resources 10 (10), 107, 2021
Environmental peculiarities of transboundary groundwater management
E Golovina
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 10 (2), 511-519, 2019
Key aspects in the field of state management of groundwater production for commercial use
E Golovina, T Chvileva
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 12 (17), 5023-5028, 2017
Актуальные проблемы в системе государственного управления добычей подземных вод на территории Российской Федерации
НВ Пашкевич, ЕИ Головина
Записки Горного института 210, 99-107, 2014
Problems of groundwater extraction from transboundary aquifers and complexes/IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, № 151, V 4, 2018
EI Golovina
DOI 10, 1755-1315, 2018
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