Knowledge management processes and sustainable competitive advantage: An empirical examination in private universities OR Mahdi, IA Nassar, MK Almsafir Journal of business research 94, 320-334, 2019 | 617 | 2019 |
The role of strategic leadership in building sustainable competitive advantage in the academic environment OR Mahdi, MK Almsafir Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 129, 289-296, 2014 | 201 | 2014 |
The business model of sustainable competitive advantage through strategic leadership capabilities and knowledge management processes to overcome covid-19 pandemic OR Mahdi, IA Nassar Sustainability 13 (17), 9891, 2021 | 150 | 2021 |
Empirical study on the impact of leadership behavior on organizational commitment in plantation companies in Malaysia OR Mahdi, ESBG Mohd, MK Almsafir Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 109, 1076-1087, 2014 | 136 | 2014 |
The Role of Using Case Studies Method in Improving Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Higher Education. OR Mahdi, IA Nassar, HAI Almuslamani International Journal of Higher Education 9 (2), 297-308, 2020 | 120 | 2020 |
The role of knowledge and knowledge management in sustaining competitive advantage within organizations: A review OR Mahdi, MK Almsafir, L Yao African Journal of Business Management 5 (23), 9912, 2011 | 101 | 2011 |
E-management development and deployment strategy for future organization L Yao, AB Othman, AN Aballama, OR Mahdi African journal of business management 5 (16), 6657-6667, 2011 | 31 | 2011 |
Diagnosing of sustainable competitive advantage using Six Sigma methodology OR Mahdi, MK Almsafir International Journal of Business and Management 7 (7), 94, 2012 | 29 | 2012 |
Antecedents and consequences of work alienation–A critical AK Muttar, MYA Keir, OR Mahdi, IA Nassar Journal of Statistics Applications and Probability 8 (3), 279-288, 2019 | 28 | 2019 |
The Effect of Educational Videos on Increasing Student Classroom Participation: Action Research. HAI Almuslamani, IA Nassar, OR Mahdi International Journal of Higher Education 9 (3), 323-330, 2020 | 23 | 2020 |
Relationship between time management and job performance empirical study in Malaysia private university AN Abduljabbr, OR Mahdi, MK Almsafir Journal of advanced social research 2 (10), 427-438, 2012 | 18 | 2012 |
Strategic Leadership Capabilities and Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Private Universities OR Mahdi, IA Nassar, MK Almsafir Academy of Strategic Management Journal 20 (2), 1-23, 2021 | 17 | 2021 |
A novel statistical model assessing the self performance of knowledge management within SMEs in China A Othman, L Yao, OR Mahdi, W Jing Procedia Engineering 15, 1758-1763, 2011 | 10 | 2011 |
Organizational Commitment Antecedents of Paramedics in Private Hospitals AA AL-KHRABSHEH, OR MAHDI, AKH MUTTAR, IA NASSAR The International Journal of Organizational Diversity 21 (1), 51-69, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |
Organizational Commitment Antecedents of Paramedics in Private Hospitals AA AL-KHRABSHEH, OR MAHDI, AKH MUTTAR, IA NASSAR The International Journal of Organizational Diversity 21 (1), 51-69, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |
The Impact of Organisational Factors on Organizational Commitment at the Arab Bank in Jordan AA Al-khrabsheh, AK Muttar, OR Mahdi, IA Nassar, S AI, PAHB Abdullah II Asian Social Science 14 (7), 26, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
Sustainable competitive advantage using six sigma methodology OR Mahdi, MK Almsafir Journal of Modern Marketing Research 1, 10-26, 2012 | 7 | 2012 |
Health Service Quality and Its Impact on Strategic Success: A Field Study on the Private Hospitals of Jordan AA Al-khrabsheh, OR Mahdi, AK Muttar, PAHB Abdullah II International Journal of Business and Management 12 (10), 185-185, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |
Empirical Study on the Impacts of Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) on Making Decisions for Managers in Ministry of Sciences and Technology, Iraq OR Mahdi, SAAL AL-Nuaimy Journal of Advanced Social Research 2, 11-23, 2012 | 1 | 2012 |
The effect of external integration of supply chain on Oman container ports’ operational performance: The mediating role of supply chain management practices A Al Azzani, AA Mat Isa, O Mahdi, M Khudari, AM Alshammakh Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 8 (9), 2024 | | 2024 |