Colin R Janssen
Colin R Janssen
Prof Ecotoxicology & Applied Marine Ecology , Ghent University, Belgium - Highly Cited Researcher
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Citované v
Microplastics in bivalves cultured for human consumption
L Van Cauwenberghe, CR Janssen
Environmental pollution 193, 65-70, 2014
Microplastic pollution in deep-sea sediments
L Van Cauwenberghe, A Vanreusel, J Mees, CR Janssen
Environmental pollution 182, 495-499, 2013
Occurrence and distribution of microplastics in marine sediments along the Belgian coast
M Claessens, S De Meester, L Van Landuyt, K De Clerck, CR Janssen
Marine pollution bulletin 62 (10), 2199-2204, 2011
Microplastic as a vector for chemicals in the aquatic environment: critical review and model-supported reinterpretation of empirical studies
AA Koelmans, A Bakir, GA Burton, CR Janssen
Environmental science & technology 50 (7), 3315-3326, 2016
Microplastics in sediments: a review of techniques, occurrence and effects
L Van Cauwenberghe, L Devriese, F Galgani, J Robbens, CR Janssen
Marine environmental research 111, 5-17, 2015
New techniques for the detection of microplastics in sediments and field collected organisms
M Claessens, L Van Cauwenberghe, MB Vandegehuchte, CR Janssen
Marine pollution bulletin 70 (1-2), 227-233, 2013
Microplastics are taken up by mussels (Mytilus edulis) and lugworms (Arenicola marina) living in natural habitats
L Van Cauwenberghe, M Claessens, MB Vandegehuchte, CR Janssen
Environmental pollution 199, 10-17, 2015
The biotic ligand model: a historical overview
PR Paquin, JW Gorsuch, S Apte, GE Batley, KC Bowles, PGC Campbell, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology …, 2002
Ecotoxicology of metals in aquatic sediments: binding and release, bioavailability, risk assessment, and remediation
PM Chapman, F Wang, C Janssen, G Persoone, HE Allen
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55 (10), 2221-2243, 1998
A Biotic Ligand Model Predicting Acute Copper Toxicity for Daphnia magna:  The Effects of Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, and pH
KAC de Schamphelaere, CR Janssen
Environmental science & technology 36 (1), 48-54, 2002
A critical view on microplastic quantification in aquatic organisms
G Vandermeersch, L Van Cauwenberghe, CR Janssen, A Marques, ...
Environmental Research 143, 46-55, 2015
The use of biomarkers in Daphnia magna toxicity testing. IV. Cellular energy allocation: a new methodology to assess the energy budget of toxicant-stressed Daphnia populations
WM De Coen, CR Janssen
Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery 6, 43-55, 1997
Risk assessment of microplastics in the ocean: Modelling approach and first conclusions
G Everaert, L Van Cauwenberghe, M De Rijcke, AA Koelmans, J Mees, ...
Environmental pollution 242, 1930-1938, 2018
Identification of endocrine-disrupting effects in aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates: report from the European IDEA project
H Segner, K Caroll, M Fenske, CR Janssen, G Maack, D Pascoe, ...
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 54 (3), 302-314, 2003
Marine strategy framework directive: task group 10 report marine litter
F Galgani, D Fleet, J Van Franeker, S Katsanevakis, T Maes, J Mouat, ...
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2010
Toxicity of trace metals in soil as affected by soil type and aging after contamination: using calibrated bioavailability models to set ecological soil standards
E Smolders, K Oorts, P Van Sprang, I Schoeters, CR Janssen, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28 (8), 1633-1642, 2009
Fate and Effects of CeO2 Nanoparticles in Aquatic Ecotoxicity Tests
KV Hoecke, JTK Quik, J Mankiewicz-Boczek, KACD Schamphelaere, ...
Environmental science & technology 43 (12), 4537-4546, 2009
Rotifers in ecotoxicology: a review
TW Snell, CR Janssen
Hydrobiologia 313, 231-247, 1995
The missing biomarker link: Relationships between effects on the cellular energy allocation biomarker of toxicant‐stressed Daphnia magna and corresponding …
WM De Coen, CR Janssen
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 22 (7), 1632-1641, 2003
Derivation of an aquatic predicted no-effect concentration for the synthetic hormone, 17α-ethinyl estradiol
DJ Caldwell, F Mastrocco, TH Hutchinson, R Länge, D Heijerick, ...
Environmental science & technology 42 (19), 7046-7054, 2008
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