Eni Sumarni
Eni Sumarni
Researcher and lecturer, Jenderal Soedirman University
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Citované v
Pendinginan zona perakaran (root zone cooling) pada produksi benih kentang menggunakan sistem aeroponik
E Sumarni, H Suhardiyanto, KB Seminar, SK Saptomo
Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 41 (2), 2013
Perceived attributes driving the adoption of system of rice intensification: The Indonesian farmers’ view
P Arsil, YS Tey, M Brindal, Ardiansyah, E Sumarni, Masrukhi
Open Agriculture 7 (1), 217-225, 2022
Pengaruh suhu mediatanam terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif kentang hidroponik di dataran medium tropika basah
GH Sumartono, E Sumarni
Jurnal Agronomika 13 (1), 2013
Temperature distribution in aeroponics system with root zone cooling for the production of potato seed in tropical lowland
E Sumarni, H Suhardiyanto, KB Seminar, SK Saptomo
Inter J of Sci & Engi Rese 4, 799-804, 2013
Effect of electrical conductivity (EC) in the nutrition solution on aeroponic potato seed production with root zone cooling application in tropical lowland, Indonesia
E Sumarni, N Farid, L Soesanto
Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal 21 (2), 70-77, 2019
Aplikasi zone cooling pada sistem aeroponik kentang di dataran medium tropika basah
E Sumarni, GH Sumartono, SK Saptomo
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian 1 (1), 2013
G0 seed potential of the aeroponics potatoes seed in the lowlands with a root zone cooling into G1 in the highlands
E Sumarni, N Farid, AN Sugiarto, A Sudarmadji
Rona Teknik Pertanian 9 (1), 1-10, 2016
Perpindahan panas pada aeroponik chamber dengan aplikasi zone cooling
E Sumarni, H Suhardiyanto, KB Seminar, SK Saptomo
Jurnal Biofisika 9 (1), 8-19, 2013
Produksi benih kentang sistem aeroponik dan root zone cooling dengan pembedaan tekanan pompa di dataran rendah
E Sumarni, A Sudarmaji, H Suhardiyanto, SK Saptomo
Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 44 (3), 299-305, 2016
Seed potato production using aeroponics system with zone cooling in wet tropical lowlands
E Sumarni, H Suhardiyanto, KB Seminar, SK Saptomo
II Asia Pacific Symposium on Postharvest Research Education and Extension …, 2012
Peningkatan hasil dalam belajar IPA materi ciri khusus pada hewan melalui metode peer teaching
E Sumarni
Jurnal Terapan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah 2 (1), 136-154, 2022
Pengembangan zone cooling system untuk produksi benih kentang secara aeroponik di dataran rendah tropika basah
E Sumarni
Disertasi. Mayor Ilmu Keteknikan Pertanian. IPB. Bogor, 2013
Modifikasi iklim mikro pada bawang merah hidroponik dalam rangka memperoleh bibit bermutu
A Margiwiyatno, E Sumarni
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian 25 (1), 2011
Effect of root zone cooling and evaporative cooling in greenhouse on the growth and yield of potato seed by aeroponics in tropical lowlands
E Sumarni, A Hardanto, P Arsil
Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal 23 (1), 28-35, 2021
Application of hydroponic technology to the yield and quality of Purwoceng" Viagra from Asia".
E Sumarni, I Batubara, H Suhardiyanto, S Widodo, M Solahudin, ...
INMATEH-Agricultural Engineering 69 (1), 2023
Pemanfaatan Lahan Pekarangan Daerah Perkotaan Melalui Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Teknologi Hidroponik Skala Kecil
SB Sulistyo, P Haryanti, E Sumarni, K Wijaya
JPPM (Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat) 5 (2), 293-297, 2022
Artikel Aeroponik Benih Wortel
E Sumarni, M Rif'an, N Farid
Penebar swadaya. Jakarta pusat, 2019
The effect of combination lighting of LED and neon light on the growth and yield of potato seeds on the production of aeroponic seeds in the tropical highland
E Sumarni, L Soesanto, WH Purnomo, P Priswanto
Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal 21 (4), 115-120, 2019
Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman purwoceng pada budidaya secara hidroponik nutrient film technique (NFT)
E Sumarni, L Soesanto, N Farid, HN Baroroh
Jurnal Litbang Provinsi Jawa Tengah 15 (2), 145-151, 2017
Nozzel application on two potato varieties for seed production aeroponically
E Sumarni, NF Ardiansyah
Journal of Biophysics 10, 1-7, 2014
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