Topological valley transport under long-range deformations Z Xu, X Kong, RJ Davis, D Bisharat, Y Zhou, X Yin, DF Sievenpiper Physical Review Research 2 (1), 013209, 2020 | 42 | 2020 |
Analog of electromagnetically induced transparency based on magnetic plasmonic artificial molecules with symmetric and antisymmetric states Z Xu, S Liu, S Li, X Yin Physical Review B 99 (4), 041104, 2019 | 41 | 2019 |
Phase transforming based on asymmetric spoof surface plasmon polariton for endfire antenna with sum and difference beams S Li, Q Zhang, Z Xu, H Zhao, X Yin IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 68 (9), 6602-6613, 2020 | 40 | 2020 |
Near-field chiral excitation of universal spin-momentum locking transport of edge waves in microwave metamaterials Z Xu, J Chang, J Tong, DF Sievenpiper, TJ Cui Advanced Photonics 4 (4), 046004, 2022 | 37 | 2022 |
Adiabatic mode-matching techniques for coupling between conventional microwave transmission lines and one-dimensional impedance-interface waveguides Z Xu, X Yin, DF Sievenpiper Physical Review Applied 11 (4), 044071, 2019 | 36 | 2019 |
Metamaterials with analogous electromagnetically induced transparency and related sensor designs—A review Z Xu, Y Wang, S Liu, J Ma, S Fang, H Wu IEEE Sensors Journal 23 (7), 6378-6396, 2023 | 34 | 2023 |
Line waves existing at junctions of dual-impedance metasurfaces Z Xu, J Chang, S Fang, Q Zhang, RJ Davis, D Sievenpiper, TJ Cui ACS Photonics 8 (8), 2285-2293, 2021 | 34 | 2021 |
Tri-band band-pass filter based on multi-mode spoof surface plasmon polaritons H Zhao, P Zhou, Z Xu, S Li, M Yang, L Liu, X Yin IEEE Access 8, 14767-14776, 2020 | 34 | 2020 |
Higher‐Order Topological States in Thermal Diffusion H Wu, H Hu, X Wang, Z Xu, B Zhang, QJ Wang, Y Zheng, J Zhang, TJ Cui, ... Advanced Materials 35 (14), 2210825, 2023 | 32 | 2023 |
Radiation loss of planar surface plasmon polaritons transmission lines at microwave frequencies Z Xu, S Li, X Yin, H Zhao, L Liu Scientific Reports 7 (1), 6098, 2017 | 32 | 2017 |
Rainbow trapping with long oscillation lifetimes in gradient magnetoinductive metasurfaces Z Xu, J Shi, RJ Davis, X Yin, DF Sievenpiper Physical Review Applied 12 (2), 024043, 2019 | 31 | 2019 |
Dielectric characterization of liquid mixtures using EIT-like transmission window Z Xu, Y Wang, S Fang IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (16), 17859-17867, 2021 | 29 | 2021 |
Topological flat bands in self-complementary plasmonic metasurfaces Z Xu, X Kong, J Chang, DF Sievenpiper, TJ Cui Physical review letters 129 (25), 253001, 2022 | 22 | 2022 |
Analysis and modeling of wideband common-mode absorption with lossy complementary split-ring resonator chain in resistor-free differential microstrip lines P Zhou, H Zhao, Z Xu, S Li, Y Shi, X Yin IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 70 (2), 1048-1058, 2021 | 22 | 2021 |
Analog of multiple electromagnetically induced transparency using double-layered metasurfaces S Liu, Z Xu, X Yin, H Zhao Scientific Reports 10 (1), 8469, 2020 | 22 | 2020 |
Multiple spoof plasmonically induced transparency for sensing applications Z Xu, Y Wang, J Chang, TJ Cui Physical Review Applied 18 (2), 024035, 2022 | 21 | 2022 |
Broadside radiation from Chern photonic topological insulators Z Xu, M Wang, S Fang, H Liu, Z Wang, DF Sievenpiper IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 70 (3), 2358-2363, 2021 | 21 | 2021 |
Tunneling of spoof surface plasmon polaritons through magnetoinductive metamaterial channels Z Xu, S Liu, S Li, H Zhao, L Liu, X Yin Applied Physics Express 11 (4), 042002, 2018 | 21 | 2018 |
Compact substrate integrated waveguide filtering antennas: A review X Sun, J Ma, Y Feng, J Shi, Z Xu IEEE Access 10, 91906-91922, 2022 | 18 | 2022 |
Tri-layered stacked substrate integrated waveguide bandpass filter using non-resonant nodes excitation Y Feng, S Fang, S Jia, Z Xu IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 69 (3), 1004-1008, 2021 | 17 | 2021 |