Michael Plank
Michael Plank
Professor of Applied Mathematics, University of Canterbury
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Citované v
Random walk models in biology
EA Codling, MJ Plank, S Benhamou
Journal of the Royal society interface 5 (25), 813-834, 2008
Differential equations and mathematical biology
DS Jones, M Plank, BD Sleeman
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2009
Of mast and mean: differential‐temperature cue makes mast seeding insensitive to climate change
D Kelly, A Geldenhuis, A James, E Penelope Holland, MJ Plank, ...
Ecology Letters 16 (1), 90-98, 2013
Disentangling nestedness from models of ecological complexity
A James, JW Pitchford, MJ Plank
Nature 487 (7406), 227-230, 2012
Assessing Lévy walks as models of animal foraging
A James, MJ Plank, AM Edwards
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 8 (62), 1233-1247, 2011
Lattice and non-lattice models of tumour angiogenesis
MJ Plank, BD Sleeman
Bulletin of mathematical biology 66, 1785-1819, 2004
Optimal foraging: Lévy pattern or process?
MJ Plank, A James
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 5 (26), 1077-1086, 2008
On balanced exploitation of marine ecosystems: results from dynamic size spectra
R Law, MJ Plank, J Kolding
ICES Journal of Marine Science 69 (4), 602-614, 2012
A reinforced random walk model of tumour angiogenesis and anti‐angiogenic strategies
MJ Plank, BD Sleeman
Mathematical medicine and biology: a journal of the IMA 20 (2), 135-181, 2003
Size‐spectra dynamics from stochastic predation and growth of individuals
R Law, MJ Plank, A James, JL Blanchard
Ecology 90 (3), 802-811, 2009
Testing and recommending methods for fitting size spectra to data
AM Edwards, JPW Robinson, MJ Plank, JK Baum, JL Blanchard
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (1), 57-67, 2017
Sampling rate and misidentification of Lévy and non‐Lévy movement paths
MJ Plank, EA Codling
Ecology 90 (12), 3546-3553, 2009
Atherosclerosis and calcium signalling in endothelial cells
MJ Plank, DJN Wall, T David
Progress in biophysics and molecular biology 91 (3), 287-313, 2006
Estimated inequities in COVID-19 infection fatality rates by ethnicity for Aotearoa New Zealand
N Steyn, RN Binny, K Hannah, SC Hendy, A James, T Kukutai, A Lustig, ...
New Zealand Medical Journal 133, 28-39, 2020
A mathematical model of tumour angiogenesis, regulated by vascular endothelial growth factor and the angiopoietins
MJ Plank, BD Sleeman, PF Jones
Journal of theoretical biology 229 (4), 435-454, 2004
Māori and Pacific People in New Zealand have higher risk of hospitalisation for COVID-19
N Steyn, RN Binny, K Hannah, S Hendy, A James, A Lustig, K Ridings, ...
New Zealand Medical Journal 134 (1538), 28-43, 2021
An event-based model of superspreading in epidemics
A James, JW Pitchford, MJ Plank
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1610), 741-747, 2007
Worldwide border interceptions provide a window into human‐mediated global insect movement
RM Turner, EG Brockerhoff, C Bertelsmeier, RE Blake, B Caton, A James, ...
Ecological Applications 31 (7), e02412, 2021
Tumour‐induced angiogenesis: a review
MJ Plank, BD Sleeman
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 5 (3-4), 137-153, 2003
Optimizing the encounter rate in biological interactions: ballistic versus Lévy versus Brownian strategies
A James, MJ Plank, R Brown
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (5 …, 2008
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