Anuoluwapo Aluko
Anuoluwapo Aluko
Power Systems Studies Engineer
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Citované v
A review on vanadium redox flow battery storage systems for large-scale power systems application
A Aluko, A Knight
IEEE Access 11, 13773-13793, 2023
Robust state estimation method for adaptive load frequency control of interconnected power system in a restructured environment
AO Aluko, RP Carpanen, DG Dorrell, EE Ojo
IEEE Systems Journal 15 (4), 5046-5056, 2020
Heuristic optimization of virtual inertia control in grid-connected wind energy conversion systems for frequency support in a restructured environment
AO Aluko, DG Dorrell, R Pillay Carpanen, EE Ojo
Energies 13 (3), 564, 2020
Review of cyberattack implementation, detection, and mitigation methods in cyber-physical systems
N Mtukushe, AK Onaolapo, A Aluko, DG Dorrell
Energies 16 (13), 5206, 2023
Decentralized virtual impedance-conventional droop control for power sharing for inverter-based distributed energy resources of a microgrid
E Buraimoh, AO Aluko, OE Oni, IE Davidson
Energies 15 (12), 4439, 2022
Cyberattack-resilient secondary frequency control scheme for stand-alone microgrids
AO Aluko, R Musumpuka, DG Dorrell
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 70 (2), 1622-1634, 2022
Advanced distributed cooperative secondary control of Islanded DC Microgrids
A Aluko, E Buraimoh, OE Oni, IE Davidson
Energies 15 (11), 3988, 2022
Impact assessment and mitigation of cyber attacks on frequency stability of isolated microgrid using virtual inertia control
AO Aluko, RP Carpanen, DG Dorrell, EE Ojo
2020 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica, 1-5, 2020
Frequency control of modern multi-area power systems using fuzzy logic controller
AO Aluko, DG Dorrell, R Pillay-Carpanen, EE Ojo
2019 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica, 645-649, 2019
Modeling and stability analysis of distributed secondary control scheme for stand-alone dc microgrid applications
A Aluko, A Swanson, L Jarvis, D Dorrell
Energies 15 (15), 5411, 2022
Real-time cyber attack detection scheme for standalone microgrids
AO Aluko, RP Carpanen, DG Dorrell, EE Ojo
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (21), 21481-21492, 2022
Vulnerability analysis of false data injection attacks on the frequency stability of isolated microgrids
AO Aluko, RP Carpanen, DG Dorrell, EE Ojo
2021 Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference/Robotics and …, 2021
Enhanced distributed non-linear voltage regulation and power apportion technique for an islanded DC microgrid
O Lasabi, A Swanson, L Jarvis, A Aluko, M Brown
Applied Sciences 13 (15), 8659, 2023
Dynamic distributed collaborative control for equitable current distribution and voltage recovery in DC microgrids
O Lasabi, A Swanson, L Jarvis, A Aluko
Energies 16 (18), 6657, 2023
Observer-based detection and mitigation scheme for isolated microgrid under false data injection attack
AO Aluko, DG Dorrell, EE Ojo
2021 IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC), 1-6, 2021
A distributed control scheme for cyber-physical DC microgrid systems
AK Onaolapo, G Sharma, PN Bokoro, A Aluko, G Pau
Energies 16 (15), 5611, 2023
Coordinated hybrid approach based on firefly algorithm and particle swarm optimization for distributed secondary control and stability analysis of direct current microgrids
O Lasabi, A Swanson, L Jarvis, A Aluko, A Goudarzi
Sustainability 16 (3), 1204, 2024
Inertia emulation in low inertia power systems considering frequency measurement effects
AO Aluko, DG Dorrell, EE Ojo
2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy …, 2021
Heuristic secondary frequency control of AC/DC interconnected power system in a deregulated environment
AO Aluko, DG Dorrell, RP Carpanen, EE Ojo
2020 International SAUPEC/RobMech/PRASA Conference, 1-6, 2020
Enhancing the performance of Eskom’s Cahora Bassa HVDC Scheme and Harmonic Distortion Minimization of LCC-HVDC Scheme using the VSC-HVDC link
IE Davidson, OE Oni, A Aluko, E Buraimoh
Energies 15 (11), 4008, 2022
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