Laura Biagi
Laura Biagi
IRCCS Stella Maris
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Citované v
Age dependence of cerebral perfusion assessed by magnetic resonance continuous arterial spin labeling
L Biagi, A Abbruzzese, MC Bianchi, DC Alsop, A Del Guerra, M Tosetti
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: An Official Journal of the …, 2007
Spatiotopic selectivity of BOLD responses to visual motion in human area MT
G d'Avossa, M Tosetti, S Crespi, L Biagi, DC Burr, MC Morrone
Nature neuroscience 10 (2), 249-255, 2007
Randomized trial on the effects of a combined physical/cognitive training in aged MCI subjects: the Train the Brain study
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 39471, 2017
Reorganisation of the somatosensory system after early brain damage
A Guzzetta, P Bonanni, L Biagi, M Tosetti, D Montanaro, R Guerrini, ...
Clinical neurophysiology 118 (5), 1110-1121, 2007
MR imaging of the substantia nigra at 7 T enables diagnosis of Parkinson disease
M Cosottini, D Frosini, I Pesaresi, M Costagli, L Biagi, R Ceravolo, ...
Radiology 271 (3), 831-838, 2014
7T MRI in focal epilepsy with unrevealing conventional field strength imaging
A De Ciantis, C Barba, L Tassi, M Cosottini, M Tosetti, M Costagli, ...
Epilepsia 57 (3), 445-454, 2016
Female children with autism spectrum disorder: an insight from mass-univariate and pattern classification analyses
S Calderoni, A Retico, L Biagi, R Tancredi, F Muratori, M Tosetti
Neuroimage 59 (2), 1013-1022, 2012
The effect of gender on the neuroanatomy of children with autism spectrum disorders: a support vector machine case-control study
A Retico, A Giuliano, R Tancredi, A Cosenza, F Apicella, A Narzisi, L Biagi, ...
Molecular autism 7, 1-20, 2016
Comparison of 3T and 7T susceptibility-weighted angiography of the substantia nigra in diagnosing Parkinson disease
M Cosottini, D Frosini, I Pesaresi, G Donatelli, P Cecchi, M Costagli, ...
American Journal of Neuroradiology 36 (3), 461-466, 2015
Blood oxygen level-dependent activation of the primary visual cortex predicts size adaptation illusion
A Pooresmaeili, R Arrighi, L Biagi, MC Morrone
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (40), 15999-16008, 2013
Spatiotopic coding of BOLD signal in human visual cortex depends on spatial attention
S Crespi, L Biagi, G d'Avossa, DC Burr, M Tosetti, MC Morrone
PloS one 6 (7), e21661, 2011
Early aphasia rehabilitation is associated with functional reactivation of the left inferior frontal gyrus: a pilot study
F Mattioli, C Ambrosi, L Mascaro, C Scarpazza, P Pasquali, M Frugoni, ...
Stroke 45 (2), 545-552, 2014
Upper limb children action-observation training (UP-CAT): a randomised controlled trial in hemiplegic cerebral palsy
G Sgandurra, A Ferrari, G Cossu, A Guzzetta, L Biagi, M Tosetti, L Fogassi, ...
BMC neurology 11, 1-11, 2011
Multi-site repeatability and reproducibility of MR fingerprinting of the healthy brain at 1.5 and 3.0 T
G Buonincontri, L Biagi, A Retico, P Cecchi, M Cosottini, FA Gallagher, ...
Neuroimage 195, 362-372, 2019
Ultra-high-field MR imaging in polymicrogyria and epilepsy
A De Ciantis, AJ Barkovich, M Cosottini, C Barba, D Montanaro, ...
American Journal of Neuroradiology 36 (2), 309-316, 2015
Magnetic susceptibility in the deep layers of the primary motor cortex in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
M Costagli, G Donatelli, L Biagi, EC Ienco, G Siciliano, M Tosetti, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 12, 965-969, 2016
Response to short-term deprivation of the human adult visual cortex measured with 7T BOLD
P Binda, JW Kurzawski, C Lunghi, L Biagi, M Tosetti, MC Morrone
Elife 7, e40014, 2018
Spatio-temporal pattern of vestibular information processing after brief caloric stimulation
V Marcelli, F Esposito, A Aragri, T Furia, P Riccardi, M Tosetti, L Biagi, ...
European journal of radiology 70 (2), 312-316, 2009
BOLD response selective to flow-motion in very young infants
L Biagi, SA Crespi, M Tosetti, MC Morrone
PLoS biology 13 (9), e1002260, 2015
Acquired focal brain lesions in childhood: effects on development and reorganization of language
AM Chilosi, P Cipriani, C Pecini, D Brizzolara, L Biagi, D Montanaro, ...
Brain and Language 106 (3), 211-225, 2008
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