Geert Teisman
Geert Teisman
Professor Public Administration, Erasmus University Rotterdam
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Citované v
Institutional and strategic barriers to public—private partnership: An analysis of Dutch cases
EH Klijn, GR Teisman
Public money and Management 23 (3), 137-146, 2003
Partnership arrangements: governmental rhetoric or governance scheme?
GR Teisman, EH Klijn
Public administration review 62 (2), 197-205, 2002
Managing complex governance systems
G Teisman, Van Buuren
Routledge, 2009
Complexe besluitvorming, een pluricentrisch perspectief op besluitvorming over ruimtelijke investeringen
GR Teisman
Elsevier, 1998
Models for research into decision‐makingprocesses: on phases, streams and decision‐making rounds
GR Teisman
Public administration 78 (4), 937-956, 2000
Governing public-private partnerships: Analysing and managing the processes and institutional characteristics of public-private partnerships
EH Klijn, GR Teisman
Public-private partnerships, 102-120, 2000
Complexity theory and public management: An introduction
GR Teisman, EH Klijn
Public management review 10 (3), 287-297, 2008
Strategies and games in networks
EH Klijn, GR Teisman
Managing complex networks: Strategies for the public sector, 98-118, 1997
Publiek management op de grens van chaos en orde: Over leidinggeven en organiseren in complexiteit
G Teisman
Boom uitgevers Amsterdam, 2005
Public-private partnerships as the management of co-production: strategic and institutional obstacles in a difficult marriage
EH Klijn, G Teisman
The challenge of public-private partnerships: Learning from international …, 2005
Public-private partnership: on the edge of project and process management. Insights from Dutch practice: the Sijtwende spatial development project
J Edelenbos, GR Teisman
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 26 (3), 614-626, 2008
Toward legitimate governance strategies for climate adaptation in the Netherlands: combining insights from a legal, planning, and network perspective
A Van Buuren, P Driessen, G Teisman, M van Rijswick
Regional environmental change 14, 1021-1033, 2014
Program management and the creative art of coopetition: Dealing with potential tensions and synergies between spatial development projects
A Van Buuren, JM Buijs, G Teisman
International journal of project management 28 (7), 672-682, 2010
Towards adaptive spatial planning for climate change: Balancing between robustness and flexibility
A Buuren, PPJ Driessen, HFMW Rijswick, P Rietveld, W Salet, TJM Spit, ...
Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 10 (1), 29-53, 2013
Public-private partnerships in the European Union: officially suspect, embraced in daily practice
GR Teisman, EH Klijn
Public-Private Partnerships, 183-204, 2000
Towards a perspective of system synchronization in water governance: A synthesis of empirical lessons and complexity theories
GR Teisman, J Edelenbos
International Review of Administrative Sciences 77 (1), 101-118, 2011
Implementing public–private partnerships: How management responses to events produce (un) satisfactory outcomes
S Verweij, GR Teisman, LM Gerrits
Public works management & policy 22 (2), 119-139, 2017
Water governance: Facing the limits of managerialism, determinism, water-centricity, and technocratic problem-solving
G Teisman, A Van Buuren, J Edelenbos, J Warner
International journal of water governance 1 (1-2), 1-11, 2013
Symposium on water governance. Prologue: water governance as a government’s actions between the reality of fragmentation and the need for integration
J Edelenbos, GR Teisman
International Review of Administrative Sciences 77 (1), 5-30, 2011
Collaborative problem solving in a complex governance system: Amsterdam airport Schiphol and the challenge to break path dependency
A Van Buuren, F Boons, G Teisman
Systems Research and Behavioral Science 29 (2), 116-130, 2012
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