Dr.Gajraj Singh
Dr.Gajraj Singh
Discipline of Statistics, School of Sciences, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Delhi-110068
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Antioxidants supplementation on acid base balance during heat stress in goats
AVN Sivakumar, G Singh, VP Varshney
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 23 (11), 1462-1468, 2010
Internet of Things-Technology adoption model in India
G Singh, L Gaur, R Ramakrishnan
Pertanika J. Sci. Technol 25 (3), 835-846, 2017
Cyclic voltammetry of aromatic amines in aqueous and non-aqueous media
LR Sharma, AK Manchanda, G Singh, RS Verma
Electrochimica Acta 27 (2), 223-233, 1982
Lodging reduces sucrose accumulation of sugarcane in the wet and dry tropics
G Singh, SC Chapman, PA Jackson, RJ Lawn
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 53 (11), 1183-1195, 2002
Effects of bull and heparin and sperm concentrations on in vitro fertilization of buffalo (Bubalusbubalis) oocytes matured in vitro
SM Totey, CH Pawshe, GP Singh
Theriogenology 39 (4), 887-898, 1993
Heavy metal pollution in Punjab Rivers
NS Tiwana, N Jerath, G Singh, M Ravleen
Newsletter Environmental Information System (ENVIS) 3 (1), 3-7, 2005
Prevalence of diabetes in camel-milk consuming Raica rural community of north-west Rajasthan
RP Agrawal, G Singh, KC Nayak, DK Kochar, RC Sharma, R Beniwal, ...
Int J Diab Dev Countries 24, 109-14, 2004
Studies on the use of growth regulators in relation to nitrogen for enhancing sink capacity and yield of gobhi sarson (Brassica napus).
HS Grewal, JS Kolar, SS Cheema, GS Gurkirpal Singh
Quadrennial technology review: an assessment of energy technologies and research opportunities
S Baldwin, G Bindewald, A Brown, C Chen, K Cheung, C Clark, J Cresko, ...
US Department of Energy: Washington, DC, USA, 2015
Urban flooding in recent decades in four mega cities of India
US De, GP Singh, DM Rase
J. Ind. Geophys. Union 17 (2), 153-165, 2013
Follicular dynamics in water buffalo superovulated in presence or absence of a dominant follicle
M Taneja, G Singh, SM Totey, A Ali
Theriogenology 44 (4), 581-597, 1995
Smart vehicle navigation system using hidden Markov model and RFID technology
R Malekian, AF Kavishe, BT Maharaj, PK Gupta, G Singh, H Waschefort
Wireless Personal Communications 90, 1717-1742, 2016
Effects of addition of full fat soy flour of different varieties on quality characteristics and breadmaking quality of wheat flour.
A Rastogi, GS Gurmukh Singh
Effects of microwave heating on nutritional quality of soybeans.
YS Hafez, GS Gurbax Singh, ME Mclellan, L Monroe-Lord
COVID-19-associated mucormycosis presenting to the Emergency Department—an observational study of 70 patients
A Ramaswami, AK Sahu, A Kumar, S Suresh, A Nair, D Gupta, ...
QJM: An International Journal of Medicine 114 (7), 464-470, 2021
State of environment: Punjab-2007
NS Tiwana, N Jerath, SS Ladhar, G Singh, R Paul, DK Dua, HK Parwana
Punjab State Council for Science and Technology, Chandigarh 243, 2007
Effects of long-term heat exposure on adaptive mechanism of blood acid-base in buffalo calves
JP Korde, G Singh, VP Varshney, DC Shukla
Asian-australasian journal of animal sciences 20 (5), 742-747, 2007
Effect of vitamin D deficiency on testicular function in the rat
S Sood, RK Marya, R Reghunandanan, GP Singh, TS Jaswal, ...
Annals of nutrition and metabolism 36 (4), 203-208, 1992
Effect of herbicides on the weed infestation and grain yield of soybean ( Glycine max )
G Singh, RS Jolly
Acta Agronomica Hungarica 52 (2), 199-203, 2004
Corrosion behavior of IF steel in various media and its comparison with mild steel
GP Singh, AP Moon, S Sengupta, G Deo, S Sangal, K Mondal
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 24, 1961-1974, 2015
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