Anant Parekh
Anant Parekh
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Indian ocean warming
MK Roxy, C Gnanaseelan, A Parekh, JS Chowdary, S Singh, A Modi, ...
Assessment of climate change over the Indian region: a report of the …, 2020
Indian summer monsoon rainfall variability in response to differences in the decay phase of El Niño
JS Chowdary, HS Harsha, C Gnanaseelan, G Srinivas, A Parekh, P Pillai, ...
Climate Dynamics 48, 2707-2727, 2017
Comparison of wind data from QuikSCAT and buoys in the Indian Ocean
K Satheesan, A Sarkar, A Parekh, MRR Kumar, Y Kuroda
International Journal of Remote Sensing 28 (10), 2375-2382, 2007
Dynamics of east‐west asymmetry of Indian summer monsoon rainfall trends in recent decades
M Konwar, A Parekh, BN Goswami
Geophysical research letters 39 (10), 2012
Assessment of the Indian summer monsoon in the WRF regional climate model
A Raju, A Parekh, JS Chowdary, C Gnanaseelan
Climate Dynamics 44, 3077-3100, 2015
Evaporation-precipitation variability over Indian Ocean and its assessment in NCEP Climate Forecast System (CFSv2)
S Pokhrel, H Rahaman, A Parekh, SK Saha, A Dhakate, HS Chaudhari, ...
Climate Dynamics 39 (9), 2585-2608, 2012
Argo observations of barrier layer in the tropical Indian Ocean
N Agarwal, R Sharma, A Parekh, S Basu, A Sarkar, VK Agarwal
Advances in Space Research 50 (5), 642-654, 2012
Introduction to climate change over the Indian region
R Krishnan, C Gnanaseelan, J Sanjay, P Swapna, C Dhara, TP Sabin, ...
Assessment of climate change over the Indian region: A report of the …, 2020
Impact of the Indo-Western Pacific Ocean capacitor mode on South Asian summer monsoon rainfall
JS Chowdary, D Patekar, G Srinivas, C Gnanaseelan, A Parekh
Climate Dynamics 53, 2327-2338, 2019
Influence of the Pacific–Japan pattern on Indian summer monsoon rainfall
G Srinivas, JS Chowdary, Y Kosaka, C Gnanaseelan, A Parekh, K Prasad
Journal of Climate 31 (10), 3943-3958, 2018
Vertical variation of oxygen isotope in Bay of Bengal and its relationships with water masses
S Sengupta, A Parekh, S Chakraborty, K Ravi Kumar, T Bose
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118 (12), 6411-6424, 2013
The tropical Indian Ocean decadal sea level response to the Pacific decadal oscillation forcing
JS Deepa, C Gnanaseelan, S Mohapatra, JS Chowdary, A Karmakar, ...
Climate Dynamics 52, 5045-5058, 2019
The role of the Indian summer monsoon variability on Arabian Peninsula summer climate
R Attada, HP Dasari, A Parekh, JS Chowdary, S Langodan, O Knio, ...
Climate Dynamics 52, 3389-3404, 2019
Inter comparison of Tropical Indian Ocean features in different ocean reanalysis products
A Karmakar, A Parekh, JS Chowdary, C Gnanaseelan
Climate Dynamics 51, 119-141, 2018
Evaluation of Oceansat-2-derived ocean surface winds using observations from global buoys and other scatterometers
R Kumar, A Chakraborty, A Parekh, R Sikhakolli, BS Gohil, ASK Kumar
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote sensing 51 (5), 2571-2576, 2012
A comparative assessment of surface wind speed and sea surface temperature over the Indian Ocean by TMI, MSMR, and ERA-40
A Parekh, R Sharma, A Sarkar
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 24 (6), 1131-1142, 2007
Impact of excess and deficit river runoff on Bay of Bengal upper ocean characteristics using an ocean general circulation model
S Dandapat, C Gnanaseelan, A Parekh
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 172, 104714, 2020
Representation of Bay of Bengal upper-ocean salinity in general circulation models
JS Chowdary, G Srinivas, TS Fousiya, A Parekh, C Gnanaseelan, H Seo, ...
Oceanography 29 (2), 38-49, 2016
The interannual sea level variability in the Indian Ocean as simulated by an ocean general circulation model
JS Deepa, C Gnanaseelan, R Kakatkar, A Parekh, JS Chowdary
International Journal of Climatology 38 (3), 1132-1144, 2018
Assessment of CMIP6 models' skill for tropical Indian Ocean sea surface temperature variability
S Halder, A Parekh, JS Chowdary, C Gnanaseelan, A Kulkarni
International Journal of Climatology 41 (4), 2568-2588, 2021
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