Assessing user satisfaction of using hospital information system (HIS) in Malaysia IM Amin, SS Hussein, WA Isa People 12, 13, 2011 | 68 | 2011 |
Preliminary Study of Malaysian Public Sector (MPS) Transformation Readiness through Enterprise Architecture (EA) Establishment. SS Hussein, MN Mahrin, N Maarop PACIS, 229, 2017 | 33 | 2017 |
Dynamic metamodel approach for government enterprise architecture model management NAA Bakar, S Yaacob, SS Hussein, A Nordin, H Sallehuddin Procedia Computer Science 161, 894-902, 2019 | 29 | 2019 |
A summary of reported chemical constituents and medicinal uses of Eurycoma longifolia S Hussein, R Ibrahim, LP Kiong Journal of Tropical Medicinal Plants 8 (1), 103-110, 2007 | 22 | 2007 |
Association of people factors with successful enterprise architecture implementation NAA Bakar, SS Hussien International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7 (4.31), 52-57, 2018 | 9 | 2018 |
Development and Validation of Enterprise Architecture (EA) Readiness Assessment Model SS Hussein, MN Mahrin, N Maarop, NAA Bakar International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2020 | 8 | 2020 |
Sustainability through innovations of Enterprise Architecture (EA) in public sector’s management: issues & challenges SS Hussein, MN Mahrin, N Maarop Journal of Southeast Asian Research 2017 (2017), 1-13, 2017 | 8 | 2017 |
Content validation of an enterprise architecture (EA) readiness assessment instrument SS Hussein, MN Mahrin, N Maarop, NAA Bakar Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1196 (1), 012047, 2019 | 7 | 2019 |
Towards designing an EA readiness instrument: A systematic review SS Hussein, Z Ismail, MN Mahrin, MS Abdullah, NZA Rahim, GN Samy, ... 2016 4th IEEE International Colloquium on Information Science and Technology …, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
EA innovations in managing public sectors: issues & challenges SS Hussein, Z Ismail, MN Mahrin Innov. Manag. Educ. Excell. Vis, 3498-3505, 2020 | 6 | 2020 |
Big data analytics for summit group hospital using enterprise architecture as strategic approach K Norbib, NNN Ismail, NAA Bakar, SS Hussein Malaysian Journal of Computing 7 (2), 1210-1221, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
Valuable insights framework for big data and analytics in the Malaysian public sector organization YM Zain, S Yaacob, R Ibrahim, SS Hussein 2023 5th International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization …, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Information Security Management System Success Measurement Indicator N Maarop, D Witarsyah, SS Hussein, GN Samy, NH Hassan, DWH Ten, ... INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH 10 (02), 314-320, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
EA governance towards sustainability of EA practices in digital government: a systematic review SS Hussein, Z Ismail, MN Mahrin International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7 (3.20), 311-315, 2018 | 3 | 2018 |
Towards sustainability of EA practices: a systematic review SS Hussein, Z Ismail, MZ Mat Taib First International Conference on ICT for Transformation, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
Towards readiness in Enterprise Architecture establishment: a critical success factors SS Hussein, MN Mahrin, Z Ismail Postgraduate Annual Research on Informatics Seminar, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
Developing an effective ICT strategic framework for higher education institutions: a case of Mataram University SS Hussein, MW Alfiansyah, R Daud, S Ya’acob, AM Lokman International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations, 210-221, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
An Integrated Metamodel for Enterprise Architecture using Open Government Data Approach: A Conceptual Framework IM Arzimi, NAA Bakar, MN Mahrin, MN Kama, SS Hussein Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering 1077 (1), 012048, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
A Delphi Technique as a Method to Obtain Consensus in Validation of EA Readiness Assessment Model SS Hussein, MN Mahrin, N Maarop, NAA Bakar Open International Journal of Informatics (OIJI), 22-32, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
Achieving Sustainable Digital Transformation in TVET Institutions through Enterprise Architecture SS Hussein, N Ramly, WAZW Ahmad, MIAM Ridzuan, PMW Salehen, ... Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2024 | 1 | 2024 |