Sonja Vospernik
Sonja Vospernik
Assoc. Prof. Forest Growth, University of Natural Resources Vienna
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Citované v
Do individual-tree growth models correctly represent height: diameter ratios of Norway spruce and Scots pine?
S Vospernik, RA Monserud, H Sterba
Forest ecology and management 260 (10), 1735-1753, 2010
Probability of bark stripping damage by red deer (Cervus elaphus) in Austria
S Vospernik
Silva Fennica 40 (4), 589, 2006
Do competition-density rule and self-thinning rule agree?
S Vospernik, H Sterba
Annals of Forest Science 72, 379-390, 2015
Modelling changes in roe deer habitat in response to forest management
S Vospernik, S Reimoser
Forest Ecology and Management 255 (3-4), 530-545, 2008
Forest management decision support for evaluating forest protection effects against rockfall
M Brauner, W Weinmeister, P Agner, S Vospernik, B Hoesle
Forest ecology and management 207 (1-2), 75-85, 2005
Basal area increment models accounting for climate and mixture for Austrian tree species
S Vospernik
Forest Ecology and Management 480, 118725, 2021
Emerging stability of forest productivity by mixing two species buffers temperature destabilizing effect
M Del Río, H Pretzsch, R Ruiz‐Peinado, H Jactel, L Coll, M Löf, J Aldea, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 59 (11), 2730-2741, 2022
Roe-deer habitat suitability and predisposition of forest to browsing damage in its dependence on forest growth—Model sensitivity in an alpine forest region
S Reimoser, E Partl, F Reimoser, S Vospernik
Ecological modelling 220 (18), 2231-2243, 2009
Assessing the protective role of alpine forests against rockfall at regional scale
C Scheidl, M Heiser, S Vospernik, E Lauss, F Perzl, A Kofler, K Kleemayr, ...
European Journal of Forest Research 139, 969-980, 2020
Can trees at high elevations compensate for growth reductions at low elevations due to climate warming?
S Vospernik, A Nothdurft
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 48 (6), 650-662, 2018
Tree species growth response to climate in mixtures of Quercus robur/Quercus petraea and Pinus sylvestris across Europe-a dynamic, sensitive equilibrium
S Vospernik, M Heym, H Pretzsch, M Pach, M Steckel, J Aldea, G Brazaitis, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 530, 120753, 2023
Comparing individual-tree growth models using principles of stand growth for Norway spruce, Scots pine, and European beech
S Vospernik, RA Monserud, H Sterba
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45 (8), 1006-1018, 2015
With increasing site quality asymmetric competition and mortality reduces Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stand structuring across Europe
H Pretzsch, A Bravo-Oviedo, T Hilmers, R Ruiz-Peinado, L Coll, M Löf, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 520, 120365, 2022
Possibilities and limitations of individual-tree growth models–A review on model evaluations
S Vospernik
Harvesting rules and modules for predicting commercial timber assortments
H Sterba, S Vospernik, I Söderbergh, T Ledermann
Sustainable Forest Management: Growth Models for Europe, 111-129, 2006
Position, size, and spatial patterns of bark stripping wounds inflicted by red deer (Cervus elavus L.) on Norway spruce using generalized additive models in Austria
C Hahn, S Vospernik
Annals of Forest Science 79 (1), 13, 2022
Evaluation of a vegetation simulator for roe deer habitat predictions
S Vospernik, M Bokalo, F Reimoser, H Sterba
ecological modelling 202 (3-4), 265-280, 2007
Modelle für Holzgüteklassen und Stammschäden
S Vospernik
na, 2004
A flexible height–diameter model for tree height imputation on forest inventory sample plots using repeated measures from the past
C Gollob, T Ritter, S Vospernik, C Wassermann, A Nothdurft
Forests 9 (6), 368, 2018
Climate-sensitive radial increment model of Norway spruce in Tyrol based on a distributed lag model with penalized splines for year-ring time series
A Nothdurft, S Vospernik
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 48 (8), 930-941, 2018
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