James W. Lightfoot
James W. Lightfoot
Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behaviour - caesar, Bonn, Germany
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Crossovers trigger a remodeling of meiotic chromosome axis composition that is linked to two-step loss of sister chromatid cohesion
E Martinez-Perez, M Schvarzstein, C Barroso, J Lightfoot, AF Dernburg, ...
Genes & development 22 (20), 2886-2901, 2008
Small peptide–mediated self-recognition prevents cannibalism in predatory nematodes
JW Lightfoot, M Wilecki, C Rödelsperger, E Moreno, V Susoy, H Witte, ...
Science 364 (6435), 86-89, 2019
Oxygen Reactivity of Both Respiratory Oxidases in Campylobacter jejuni: the cydAB Genes Encode a Cyanide-Resistant, Low-Affinity Oxidase That Is Not of the Cytochrome …
RJ Jackson, KT Elvers, LJ Lee, MD Gidley, LM Wainwright, J Lightfoot, ...
Journal of bacteriology 189 (5), 1604-1615, 2007
Predatory feeding behaviour in Pristionchus nematodes is dependent on phenotypic plasticity and induced by serotonin
M Wilecki, JW Lightfoot, V Susoy, RJ Sommer
The Journal of experimental biology 218 (9), 1306-1313, 2015
Loading of meiotic cohesin by SCC-2 is required for early processing of DSBs and for the DNA damage checkpoint
J Lightfoot, S Testori, C Barroso, E Martinez-Perez
Current Biology 21 (17), 1421-1430, 2011
Conserved nuclear hormone receptors controlling a novel plastic trait target fast-evolving genes expressed in a single cell
B Sieriebriennikov, S Sun, JW Lightfoot, H Witte, E Moreno, ...
PLoS genetics 16 (4), e1008687, 2020
Bacterial vitamin B12 production enhances nematode predatory behavior
N Akduman, JW Lightfoot, W Röseler, H Witte, WS Lo, C Rödelsperger, ...
The ISME journal 14 (6), 1494-1507, 2020
The fidelity of synaptonemal complex assembly is regulated by a signaling mechanism that controls early meiotic progression
N Silva, N Ferrandiz, C Barroso, S Tognetti, J Lightfoot, O Telecan, ...
Developmental Cell 31 (4), 503-511, 2014
Improving Transgenesis Efficiency and CRISPR-Associated Tools Through Codon Optimization and Native Intron Addition in Pristionchus Nematodes
Z Han, WS Lo, JW Lightfoot, H Witte, S Sun, RJ Sommer
Genetics 216 (4), 947-956, 2020
N-terminal acetylation promotes synaptonemal complex assembly in C. elegans
J Gao, C Barroso, P Zhang, HM Kim, S Li, L Labrador, J Lightfoot, ...
Genes & development 30 (21), 2404-2416, 2016
Chromosome Movements Promoted by the Mitochondrial Protein SPD-3 Are Required for Homology Search during Caenorhabditis elegans Meiosis
L Labrador, C Barroso, J Lightfoot, T Müller-Reichert, S Flibotte, J Taylor, ...
PLoS genetics 9 (5), e1003497, 2013
Comparative transcriptomics of the nematode gut identifies global shifts in feeding mode and pathogen susceptibility
JW Lightfoot, VM Chauhan, JW Aylott, C Rödelsperger
BMC research notes 9, 1-11, 2016
Regulation of hyperoxia-induced social behaviour in Pristionchus pacificus nematodes requires a novel cilia-mediated environmental input
E Moreno, B Sieriebriennikov, H Witte, C Rödelsperger, JW Lightfoot, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 17550, 2017
Sex or cannibalism: Polyphenism and kin recognition control social action strategies in nematodes
JW Lightfoot, M Dardiry, A Kalirad, S Giaimo, G Eberhardt, H Witte, ...
Science Advances 7 (35), eabg8042, 2021
Assaying predatory feeding behaviors in Pristionchus and other nematodes
JW Lightfoot, M Wilecki, M Okumura, RJ Sommer
Journal of Visualized Experiments: JoVE, 54404, 2016
Cilia drive developmental plasticity and are essential for efficient prey detection in predatory nematodes
E Moreno, JW Lightfoot, M Lenuzzi, RJ Sommer
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1912), 20191089, 2019
Evolution and diversity of TGF-β pathways are linked with novel developmental and behavioral traits
WS Lo, M Roca, M Dardiry, M Mackie, G Eberhardt, H Witte, R Hong, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 39 (12), msac252, 2022
Divergent combinations of cis-regulatory elements control the evolution of phenotypic plasticity
M Dardiry, G Eberhard, H Witte, C Rödelsperger, JW Lightfoot, ...
PLoS biology 21 (8), e3002270, 2023
Kin-recognition and predation shape collective behaviors in the cannibalistic nematode Pristionchus pacificus
F Hiramatsu, JW Lightfoot
PLoS genetics 19 (12), e1011056, 2023
Germline organization in Strongyloides nematodes reveals alternative differentiation and regulation mechanisms
A Kulkarni, JW Lightfoot, A Streit
Chromosoma 125, 725-745, 2016
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