Erin Maher
Erin Maher
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Preschool child care participation and obesity at the start of kindergarten
EJ Maher, G Li, L Carter, DB Johnson
Pediatrics 122 (2), 322-330, 2008
Getting with the (evidence-based) program: An evaluation of the Incredible Years Parenting Training Program in child welfare
LA Marcynyszyn, EJ Maher, TW Corwin
Children and Youth Services Review 33 (5), 747-757, 2011
Is a structured, manualized, evidence-based treatment protocol culturally competent and equivalently effective among American Indian parents in child welfare?
M Chaffin, D Bard, DS Bigfoot, EJ Maher
Child maltreatment 17 (3), 242-252, 2012
Dosage matters: The relationship between participation in the Nurturing Parenting Program for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers and subsequent child maltreatment
EJ Maher, LA Marcynyszyn, TW Corwin, R Hodnett
Children and Youth Services Review 33 (8), 1426-1434, 2011
Estimating the Size and Components of the US Child Care Workforce and Caregiving Population. Key Findings from the Child Care Workforce Estimate. Preliminary Report.
A Burton, M Whitebook, M Young, D Bellm, C Wayne, RN Brandon, ...
Center for the Child Care Workforce, 733 15th Street, NW, Suite 1037 …, 2002
Family preservation or child safety? Associations between child welfare workers' experience, position, and perspectives
JD Fluke, TW Corwin, DM Hollinshead, EJ Maher
Children and Youth Services Review 69, 210-218, 2016
Differences in child care quality in rural and non-rural areas
EJ Maher, B Frestedt, C Grace
Journal of Research in Rural Education (Online) 23 (4), 1, 2008
Physical functional performance in persons using a manual wheelchair
ME Cress, S Kinne, DL Patrick, E Maher
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 32 (3), 104-113, 2002
Understanding family, friend, and neighbor care in Washington State: Developing appropriate training and support
RN Brandon, EJ Maher, JM Joesch, S Doyle
ERIC Clearinghouse, 2002
Effectiveness of family group conferencing in preventing repeat referrals to child protective services and out-of-home placements
DM Hollinshead, TW Corwin, EJ Maher, L Merkel-Holguin, H Allan, ...
Child Abuse & Neglect 69, 285-294, 2017
Overcoming challenges to implementing and evaluating evidence-based interventions in child welfare: A matter of necessity
EJ Maher, LJ Jackson, PJ Pecora, DJ Schultz, A Chandra, ...
Children and Youth Services Review 31 (5), 555-562, 2009
Social status determinants of control in individuals’ accounts of their mental illness
EJ Maher, A Kroska
Social Science & Medicine 55 (6), 949-961, 2002
'Finding a good thing': the use of quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate an exercise class and promote exercise for adults with mobility impairments
E J. Maher, S Kinne, DL Patrick
Disability and Rehabilitation 21 (9), 438-447, 1999
Increasing social support for child welfare-involved families through family group conferencing
TW Corwin, EJ Maher, L Merkel-Holguin, H Allan, DM Hollinshead, ...
The British Journal of Social Work 50 (1), 137-156, 2020
A cost-savings analysis of a statewide parenting education program in child welfare
EJ Maher, TW Corwin, R Hodnett, K Faulk
Research on Social Work Practice 22 (6), 615-625, 2012
Toolkit for adapting Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) or Supporting Students Exposed to Trauma (SSET) for implementation with youth in foster care
D Schultz, D Barnes-Proby, A Chandra, LH Jaycox, E Maher, P Pecora
Rand Health Quarterly 2 (1), 13, 2012
Family reunification of youth in foster care with complex mental health needs: Barriers and recommendations
EE Madden, EJ Maher, RG McRoy, KJ Ward, L Peveto, A Stanley
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 29, 221-240, 2012
Supporting Quality Early Childhood Care and Education: Addressing Compensation and Infrastructure.
SL Kagan, RN Brandon, CH Ripple, EJ Maher, JM Joesch
Young Children 57 (3), 58-65, 2002
Evaluation of the statewide implementation of a parent education program in Louisiana's child welfare agency: The Nurturing Parenting Program for infants, toddlers, and pre …
RH Hodnett, K Faulk, A Dellinger, E Maher
Seattle, WA: Casey Family Foundations, 2009
No place like home: Britain's housing tragedy (from the victims' view) and how to overcome it
F Allaun
(No Title), 1972
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