Monica De Martino
Monica De Martino
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Citované v
Semantic similarity of ontology instances tailored on the application context
R Albertoni, M De Martino
OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful …, 2006
Geospatial open data usage and metadata quality
A Quarati, M De Martino, S Rosim
ISPRS international journal of geo-information 10 (1), 30, 2021
Asymmetric and context-dependent semantic similarity among ontology instances
R Albertoni, M De Martino
Journal on data semantics X, 1-30, 2008
Semantic web and information visualization
R Albertoni, A Bertone, M De Martino
1st Italian Semantic Web Workshop, 2004
EARTh: an environmental application reference thesaurus in the linked open data cloud
R Albertoni, M De Martino, S Di Franco, V De Santis, P Plini
Semantic Web 5 (2), 165-171, 2014
Open government data usage: a brief overview
A Quarati, M De Martino
Proceedings of the 23rd international database applications & engineering …, 2019
Copernicus user uptake: From data to applications
L Apicella, M De Martino, A Quarati
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 11 (2), 121, 2022
A multilingual/multicultural semantic-based approach to improve data sharing in an SDI for nature conservation
M De Martino, R Albertoni
arXiv preprint arXiv:1107.1676, 2011
A Linkset Quality Metric Measuring Multilingual Gain in SKOS Thesauri.
R Albertoni, M De Martino, P Podesta
LDQ@ ESWC 1376, 2015
Knowledge extraction by visual data mining of metadata in site planning
R Albertoni, A Bertone, U Demšar, M De Martino, H Hauska
Knowledge Extraction by Visual Data Mining of Metadata in Site Planning …, 2003
Visualization and semantic analysis of geographic metadata
R Albertoni, A Bertone, M De Martino
Proceedings of the 2005 workshop on Geographic information retrieval, 9-16, 2005
LusTRE: a framework of linked environmental thesauri for metadata management
R Albertoni, M De Martino, P Podestà, A Abecker, R Wössner, K Schnitter
Earth Science Informatics 11, 525-544, 2018
Overall quality assessment of SKOS thesauri: An AHP-based approach
A Quarati, R Albertoni, M De Martino
Journal of Information Science 43 (6), 816-834, 2017
Information search: The challenge of integrating information visualization and semantic web
R Albertoni, A Bertone, M De Martino
16th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications …, 2005
Documenting context-based quality assessment of controlled vocabularies
R Albertoni, M De Martino, A Quarati
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 9 (1), 144-160, 2018
Environmental thesauri under the lens of reusability
R Albertoni, M De Martino, P Podesta
Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective: Third …, 2014
Visual and automatic data mining for exploration of geographical metadata
R Albertoni, A Bertone, M De Martino, U Demšar, H Hauska
Proceedings of the 6th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science …, 2003
Deriving coastal shallow bathymetry from Sentinel 2-, Aircraft-and UAV-derived orthophotos: A case study in Ligurian Marinas
L Apicella, M De Martino, I Ferrando, A Quarati, B Federici
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11 (3), 671, 2023
An example of automated shape analysis to solve human perception problems in anthropology
M De Martino, M Ferrino
International Journal of Shape Modeling 2 (01), 69-84, 1996
Use of ICEsat-2 and Sentinel-2 open data for the derivation of bathymetry in shallow waters: Case studies in Sardinia and in the Venice lagoon
M Bernardis, R Nardini, L Apicella, M Demarte, M Guideri, B Federici, ...
Remote Sensing 15 (11), 2944, 2023
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