Dr. Dyah Rahmawati Hizbaron, M.T, M.Sc
Dr. Dyah Rahmawati Hizbaron, M.T, M.Sc
Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada
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Citované v
Coastal inundation and damage exposure estimation: a case study for Jakarta
PJ Ward, MA Marfai, F Yulianto, DR Hizbaron, J Aerts
Natural Hazards 56, 899-916, 2011
Modal sosial dalam manajemen bencana
R Rijanta, DR Hizbaron, M Baiquni
Towards measurable resilience: Mapping the vulnerability of at-risk community at Kelud Volcano, Indonesia
DR Hizbaron, DS Hadmoko, ETW Mei, SH Murti, MRT Laksani, ...
Applied Geography 97, 212-227, 2018
Community’s adaptive capacity due to coastal flooding in Semarang coastal city, Indonesia
MA Marfai, DR Hizbaron
Int. J. Ser. Geogr. Ann. Univ. Oradea 21, 2011, 2011
Urban vulnerability in Bantul district, Indonesia—Towards safer and sustainable development
DR Hizbaron, M Baiquni, J Sartohadi, R Rijanta
Sustainability 4 (9), 2022-2037, 2012
Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic: An Adaptive Disaster Governance in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
DR Hizbaron, D Ruslanjari, D Mardiatno
Social Science MDPI 10 (92), socsci10030092, 2021
Strategi menuju masyarakat tangguh bencana dalam perspektif sosial
S Maarif, DR Hizbaron
Gadjah Mada University Press, 2015
Q methodology to determine distinguishing and consensus factors (a case study of university students’ ecoliteracy on disaster risk reduction)
A Rahma, D Mardiatno, DR Hizbaron
E3s web of conferences 200, 01003, 2020
Kajian spasial multi kriteria DRASTIC kerentanan air tanah pesisir akuifer batugamping di Tanjungbumi Madura
E Febriarta, MA Marfai, DR Hizbaron, A Larasati
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan 18 (3), 476-487, 2020
Converting urban waste into energy in Kathmandu Valley: Barriers and opportunities
MEI Shrestha, J Sartohadi, MK Ridwan, DR Hizbaron
Journal of Environmental Protection 5 (9), 772-779, 2014
Tinjauan kerentanan, risiko dan zonasi rawan bahaya rockfall di Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta
DR Hizbaron, DS Hadmoko, S Wibawa, SA Dalimunthe, J Sartohadi
Forum Geografi 24 (2), 119-136, 2010
Developing a theoretical framework: school ecosystem-based disaster risk education
A Rahma, D Mardiatno, DR Hizbaron
International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education 33 (1), 6-23, 2024
Urban resilience to floods in parts of Makassar, Indonesia
MI Thoban, DR Hizbaron
E3S Web of Conferences 200, 01007, 2020
Assessing social vulnerability to seismic hazard through spatial multi criteria evaluation in Bantul District, Indonesia
DR Hizbaron, M Baiquni, J Sartohadi, R Rijanta, M Coy
Proceedings of the Conference of Development on the Margin, Bonn, Germany, 5-7, 2011
Preliminary assessment and modeling the effects of climate change on potential coastal flood damage in Jakarta
MA Marfai, F Yulianto, DR Hizbaron, P Ward, J Aerts
Yogyakarta and Amsterdam: Gadjah Mada University and vu University, 2009
Kajian Pola Spasial Kerentanan Sosial, Ekonomi dan Fisik di Wilayah Rawan Erupsi Gunung Api Merapi Yogyakarta
DR Hizbaron, PN Rahmat, A Setyaningrum, MN Malawani
Jurnal Riset Kebencanaan Indonesia 1 (1), 16-24, 2015
Sustainable Livelihood Strategies: How Urban Community Resilient Towards Disaster?
Fauziyanti, Hizbaron
Indonesian Journal Of Geography 52 (2), 246-259, 2020
Participatory implementation within climate change related policies in urbanized area of Indonesia
U Suarma, DR Hizbaron, S Sudibyakto, E Nurjani
Indonesian Journal of Geography 50 (2), 121-132, 2018
Vulnerability assessment to frost disaster in dieng volcanic highland using spatial multi-criteria evaluation
A Pradana, YA Rahmanu, I Prabaningrum, I Nurafifa, DR Hizbaron
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 148 (1), 012002, 2018
Menuju Kota Tangguh di Sungai Code Yogyakarta: Perencanaan Integratif Perkotaan dengan Pendekatan Pengelolaan DAS dan Pengurangan Risiko Bencana
DR Hizbaron, S Hasanati
Gadjah Mada University Press, 2016
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