Role of in the Scintillation Mechanism of Codoped Y Wu, F Meng, Q Li, M Koschan, CL Melcher
Physical review applied 2 (4), 044009, 2014
197 2014 Effect of codoping on scintillation and optical properties of a Ce-doped Gd3Ga3Al2O12 scintillator M Tyagi, F Meng, M Koschan, SB Donnald, H Rothfuss, CL Melcher
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46 (47), 475302, 2013
162 2013 Enhanced performances of triboelectric nanogenerators by filling hierarchical flower-like TiO 2 particles into polymethyl methacrylate film G Jian, Q Meng, Y Jiao, F Meng, Y Cao, M Wu
Nanoscale 12 (26), 14160-14170, 2020
60 2020 Single crystal and optical ceramic multicomponent garnet scintillators: A comparative study Y Wu, Z Luo, H Jiang, F Meng, M Koschan, CL Melcher
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2015
46 2015 Hybrid PDMS-TiO2-stainless steel textiles for triboelectric nanogenerators G Jian, Q Meng, Y Jiao, L Feng, H Shao, F Wang, F Meng
Chemical Engineering Journal 417, 127974, 2021
26 2021 Relationship between Ca2+ concentration and the properties of codoped Gd3Ga3Al2O12: Ce scintillators F Meng, M Koschan, Y Wu, CL Melcher
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2015
26 2015 Mercury Chalcohalide Semiconductor Hg3 Se2 Br2 for Hard Radiation Detection H Li, F Meng, CD Malliakas, Z Liu, DY Chung, B Wessels, MG Kanatzidis
Crystal Growth & Design 16 (11), 6446-6453, 2016
23 2016 The Effect of B and Ca Co-Doping on Factors Which Affect the Energy Resolution of Gd Ga Al O : Ce SB Donnald, M Tyagi, H Rothfuss, F Meng, JP Hayward, M Koschan, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 60 (5), 4002-4006, 2013
23 2013 Two new cerium-doped mixed-anion elpasolite scintillators: Cs2NaYBr3I3 and Cs2NaLaBr3I3 H Wei, L Stand, M Zhuravleva, F Meng, V Martin, CL Melcher
Optical Materials 38, 154-160, 2014
22 2014 Effect of annealing atmosphere on the cerium valence state and F+ luminescence center in Ca‐codoped GGAG:Ce single crystals F Meng, Y Wu, M Koschan, CL Melcher, P Cohen
physica status solidi (b) 252 (6), 1394-1401, 2015
21 2015 Scintillation characteristics of indium doped cesium iodide single crystal Y Wu, G Ren, F Meng, X Chen, D Ding, H Li, S Pan, CL Melcher
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 62 (2), 571-576, 2015
20 2015 Ultralow-concentration Sm codoping in CsI: Tl scintillator: A case of little things can make a big difference Y Wu, G Ren, F Meng, X Chen, D Ding, H Li, S Pan
Optical Materials 38, 297-300, 2014
20 2014 Sintered pellets: a simple and cost effective method to predict the performance of GGAG: Ce single crystals F Meng, M Koschan, CL Melcher, P Cohen
Materials Science and Engineering: B 193, 20-26, 2015
18 2015 Effects of Bi3+ codoping on the optical and scintillation properties of CsI:Tl single crystals Y Wu, G Ren, F Meng, X Chen, D Ding, H Li, S Pan
physica status solidi (a) 211 (11), 2586-2591, 2014
18 2014 Scintillator design via codoping CL Melcher, M Koschan, M Zhuravleva, Y Wu, H Rothfuss, F Meng, ...
Proceedings of International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses …, 2016
15 2016 Refined Synthesis and Crystal Growth of Pb2 P2 Se6 for Hard Radiation Detectors PL Wang, SS Kostina, F Meng, OY Kontsevoi, Z Liu, P Chen, JA Peters, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 16 (9), 5100-5109, 2016
13 2016 Sample-to-sample variation in single crystal YAP: Ce non-proportionality SB Donnald, M Tyagi, HE Rothfuss, JP Hayward, M Koschan, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 61 (1), 332-338, 2013
13 2013 An effective method for thallium bromide purification and research on crystal properties Z Zheng, F Meng, S Gong, L Quan, J Wang, D Zhou
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2012
12 2012 Effect of Co-doping On the Radiation Hardness of : Ce Scintillators M Tyagi, F Meng, M Koschan, AK Singh, CL Melcher, SC Gadkari
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 62 (1), 336-339, 2015
11 2015 Correlation of Nonproportionality and Scintillation Properties with Cerium Concentration in YAlO3 :Ce SB Donnald, R Williams, CL Melcher, F Meng, M Koschan, S Friedrich, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 65 (5), 1218-1225, 2018
10 2018