Palagonite-a review NA Stroncik, HU Schmincke International Journal of Earth Sciences 91 (4), 680-697, 2002 | 354 | 2002 |
Evolution of palagonite: Crystallization, chemical changes, and element budget NA Stroncik, HU Schmincke Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 2 (7), 2001 | 155 | 2001 |
The magmatic plumbing system beneath El Hierro (Canary Islands): constraints from phenocrysts and naturally quenched basaltic glasses in submarine rocks NA Stroncik, A Klügel, TH Hansteen Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 157 (5), 593-607, 2009 | 142 | 2009 |
Pedogenic and microbial interrelations to regional climate and local topography: New insights from a climate gradient (arid to humid) along the Coastal Cordillera of Chile N Bernhard, LM Moskwa, K Schmidt, RA Oeser, F Aburto, MY Bader, ... Catena 170, 335-355, 2018 | 119 | 2018 |
Chlorine in oceanic intraplate basalts: Constraints on mantle sources and recycling processes NA Stroncik, KM Haase Geology 32 (11), 945-948, 2004 | 106 | 2004 |
Chemistry and microbiology of the Critical Zone along a steep climate and vegetation gradient in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera RA Oeser, N Stroncik, LM Moskwa, N Bernhard, M Schaller, R Canessa, ... Catena 170, 183-203, 2018 | 96 | 2018 |
Neon identifies two billion year old fluid component in Kaapvaal Craton J Lippmann-Pipke, BS Lollar, S Niedermann, NA Stroncik, R Naumann, ... Chemical Geology 283 (3-4), 287-296, 2011 | 95 | 2011 |
Formation of island arc dacite magmas by extreme crystal fractionation: An example from Brothers Seamount, Kermadec island arc (SW Pacific) KM Haase, N Stroncik, D Garbe-Schönberg, P Stoffers Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 152 (3-4), 316-330, 2006 | 77 | 2006 |
Submarine record of volcanic island construction and collapse in the Lesser Antilles arc: First scientific drilling of submarine volcanic island landslides by IODP Expedition 340 A Le Friant, O Ishizuka, G Boudon, MR Palmer, PJ Talling, B Villemant, ... Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (2), 420-442, 2015 | 76 | 2015 |
Lithium isotope variations in ocean island basalts—implications for the development of mantle heterogeneity MS Krienitz, CD Garbe-Schönberg, RL Romer, A Meixner, KM Haase, ... Journal of Petrology 53 (11), 2333-2347, 2012 | 76 | 2012 |
Heat flow in the Lesser Antilles island arc and adjacent back arc Grenada basin M Manga, MJ Hornbach, A Le Friant, O Ishizuka, N Stroncik, T Adachi, ... Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 13 (8), 2012 | 55 | 2012 |
Nb-depleted andesites from the Pacific-Antarctic Rise as analogs for early continental crust KM Haase, NA Stroncik, R Hékinian, P Stoffers Geology 33 (12), 921-924, 2005 | 53 | 2005 |
Towards an understanding of climate proxy formation in the Chew Bahir basin, southern Ethiopian Rift V Foerster, DM Deocampo, A Asrat, C Günter, A Junginger, KH Krämer, ... Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 501, 111-123, 2018 | 45 | 2018 |
Geogas transport in fractured hard rock–Correlations with mining seismicity at 3.54 km depth, TauTona gold mine, South Africa J Lippmann-Pipke, J Erzinger, M Zimmer, C Kujawa, M Boettcher, ... Applied geochemistry 26 (12), 2134-2146, 2011 | 43 | 2011 |
Helium isotope evidence for a deep-seated mantle plume involved in South Atlantic breakup NA Stroncik, RB Trumbull, MS Krienitz, S Niedermann, RL Romer, ... Geology 45 (9), 827-830, 2017 | 35 | 2017 |
Insights into mantle composition and mantle melting beneath mid‐ocean ridges from postspreading volcanism on the fossil Galapagos Rise KM Haase, M Regelous, RA Duncan, PA Brandl, N Stroncik, I Grevemeyer Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 12 (5), 2011 | 30 | 2011 |
Permeability and pressure measurements in Lesser Antilles submarine slides: Evidence for pressure‐driven slow‐slip failure MJ Hornbach, M Manga, M Genecov, R Valdez, P Miller, D Saffer, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (12), 7986-8011, 2015 | 28 | 2015 |
Recycled gabbro signature in hotspot magmas unveiled by plume–ridge interactions NA Stroncik, CW Devey Nature Geoscience 4 (6), 393-397, 2011 | 28 | 2011 |
the Expedition 334 Scientists (2012) P Vannucchi, K Ujiie, N Stroncik, A Malinverno Proc. IODP 334, 0 | 28 | |
Neon and helium isotopes as tracers of mantle reservoirs and mantle dynamics NA Stroncik, S Niedermann, KM Haase Earth and Planetary Science Letters 258 (1-2), 334-344, 2007 | 22 | 2007 |