Surendra Kumar Gond
Surendra Kumar Gond
Assistant Professor Botany, Banaras Hindu University
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Anticancer compounds derived from fungal endophytes: their importance and future challenges
RN Kharwar, A Mishra, SK Gond, A Stierle, D Stierle
Natural product reports 28 (7), 1208-1228, 2011
Induction of abiotic stress tolerance in plants by endophytic microbes
R Lata, S Chowdhury, SK Gond, JF White Jr
Letters in applied microbiology 66 (4), 268-276, 2018
Endophytic Bacillus spp. produce antifungal lipopeptides and induce host defence gene expression in maize
SK Gond, MS Bergen, MS Torres, JF White Jr
Microbiological research 172, 79-87, 2015
Endophytic microbes and their potential applications in crop management
JF White, KL Kingsley, Q Zhang, R Verma, N Obi, S Dvinskikh, MT Elmore, ...
Pest management science 75 (10), 2558-2565, 2019
Endophytic Actinomycetes from Azadirachta indica A. Juss.: Isolation, Diversity, and Anti-microbial Activity
VC Verma, SK Gond, A Kumar, A Mishra, RN Kharwar, AC Gange
Microbial ecology 57, 749-756, 2009
The Endophytic Mycoflora of Bark, Leaf, and Stem Tissues of Azadirachta indica A. Juss (Neem) from Varanasi (India)
VC Verma, SK Gond, A Kumar, RN Kharwar, G Strobel
Microbial Ecology 54, 119-125, 2007
Study of endophytic fungal community from different parts of Aegle marmelos Correae (Rutaceae) from Varanasi (India)
SK Gond, VC Verma, A Kumar, V Kumar, RN Kharwar
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 23, 1371-1375, 2007
Javanicin, an Antibacterial Naphthaquinone from an Endophytic Fungus of Neem, Chloridium sp.
RN Kharwar, VC Verma, A Kumar, SK Gond, JK Harper, WM Hess, ...
Current microbiology 58, 233-238, 2009
Season and Tissue Type Affect Fungal Endophyte Communities of the Indian Medicinal Plant Tinospora cordifolia More Strongly than Geographic Location
A Mishra, SK Gond, A Kumar, VK Sharma, SK Verma, RN Kharwar, ...
Microbial ecology 64, 388-398, 2012
Diversity and antimicrobial activity of endophytic fungi isolated from Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, a well-known medicinal plant of India
SK Gond, A Mishra, VK Sharma, SK Verma, J Kumar, RN Kharwar, ...
Mycoscience 53 (2), 113-121, 2012
Endophyte roles in nutrient acquisition, root system architecture development and oxidative stress tolerance
SK Verma, PK Sahu, K Kumar, G Pal, SK Gond, RN Kharwar, JF White
Journal of Applied Microbiology 131 (5), 2161-2177, 2021
A comparative study of endophytic and epiphytic fungal association with leaf of Eucalyptus citriodora Hook., and their antimicrobial activity
RN Kharwar, SK Gond, A Kumar, A Mishra
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 26, 1941-1948, 2010
Fungal endophytes as efficient sources of plant-derived bioactive compounds and their prospective applications in natural product drug discovery: Insights, avenues, and challenges
A Singh, DK Singh, RN Kharwar, JF White, SK Gond
Microorganisms 9 (1), 197, 2021
Induction of salt tolerance and up‐regulation of aquaporin genes in tropical corn by rhizobacterium Pantoea agglomerans
SK Gond, MS Torres, MS Bergen, Z Helsel, JF White Jr
Letters in Applied Microbiology 60 (4), 392-399, 2015
Endophytic Fungal Flora from Roots and Fruits of an Indian Neem Plant Azadirachta indica A. Juss., and Impact of Culture Media on their Isolation
VC Verma, SK Gond, A Kumar, RN Kharwar, LA Boulanger, GA Strobel
Indian journal of microbiology 51, 469-476, 2011
Bio-control potential of Cladosporium sp.(MCPL-461), against a noxious weed Parthenium hysterophorus L
A Kumar, VC Verma, SK Gond, V Kumar, RN Kharwar
J. Environ Biol, 307-312, 2009
Effect of bacterial endophyte on expression of defense genes in Indian popcorn against Fusarium moniliforme
SK Gond, MS Bergen, MS Torres, JF White, RN Kharwar
Symbiosis 66, 133-140, 2015
Will fungi be the new source of the blockbuster drug taxol?
SK Gond, RN Kharwar, JF White Jr
Fungal Biology Reviews 28 (4), 77-84, 2014
Harnessing the phytotherapeutic treasure troves of the ancient medicinal plant Azadirachta indica (Neem) and associated endophytic microorganisms
RN Kharwar, VK Sharma, A Mishra, J Kumar, DK Singh, SK Verma, ...
Planta medica 86 (13/14), 906-940, 2020
Impact of environmental variables on the isolation, diversity and antibacterial activity of endophytic fungal communities from Madhuca indica Gmel. at different …
SK Verma, SK Gond, A Mishra, VK Sharma, J Kumar, DK Singh, A Kumar, ...
Annals of Microbiology 64, 721-734, 2014
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