Gianni Liti
Gianni Liti
IRCAN, CNRS, INSERM, Université Côte d'Azur, University of Nice
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Citované v
Population genomics of domestic and wild yeasts
G Liti, DM Carter, AM Moses, J Warringer, L Parts, SA James, RP Davey, ...
Nature 458 (7236), 337-41, 2009
Genome evolution across 1,011 Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolates
J Peter, M De Chiara, A Friedrich, JX Yue, D Pflieger, A Bergström, ...
Nature 556 (7701), 339-344, 2018
Trait variation in yeast is defined by population history
J Warringer, E Zörgö, FA Cubillos, A Zia, A Gjuvsland, JT Simpson, ...
PLoS genetics 7 (6), e1002111, 2011
Sequence diversity, reproductive isolation and species concepts in Saccharomyces
G Liti, DBH Barton, EJ Louis
Genetics 174 (2), 839-850, 2006
Surprisingly diverged populations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in natural environments remote from human activity
QM Wang, WQ Liu, G Liti, SA Wang, FY Bai
Molecular ecology 21 (22), 5404-5417, 2012
Contrasting evolutionary genome dynamics between domesticated and wild yeasts
JX Yue, J Li, L Aigrain, J Hallin, K Persson, K Oliver, A Bergström, ...
Nature Genetics 49 (6), 913-924, 2017
A high-definition view of functional genetic variation from natural yeast genomes
A Bergström, JT Simpson, F Salinas, B Barré, L Parts, A Zia, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 31 (4), 872-888, 2014
Revealing the genetic structure of a trait by sequencing a population under selection
L Parts, FA Cubillos, J Warringer, K Jain, F Salinas, SJ Bumpstead, ...
Genome research 21 (7), 1131-1138, 2011
Elucidating the molecular architecture of adaptation via evolve and resequence experiments
A Long, G Liti, A Luptak, O Tenaillon
Nature Reviews Genetics 16 (10), 567-582, 2015
The era of reference genomes in conservation genomics
G Formenti, K Theissinger, C Fernandes, I Bista, A Bombarely, C Bleidorn, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 37 (3), 197-202, 2022
The fascinating and secret wild life of the budding yeast S. cerevisiae
G Liti
Elife 4, e05835, 2015
Assessing the complex architecture of polygenic traits in diverged yeast populations
FA Cubillos, E Billi, E Zörgö, L Parts, P Fargier, S Omholt, A Blomberg, ...
Molecular ecology 20 (7), 1401-1413, 2011
How genomics can help biodiversity conservation
K Theissinger, C Fernandes, G Formenti, I Bista, PR Berg, C Bleidorn, ...
Trends in genetics 39 (7), 545-559, 2023
Inferences of evolutionary relationships from a population survey of LTR‐retrotransposons and telomeric‐associated sequences in the Saccharomyces sensu stricto complex
G Liti, A Peruffo, SA James, IN Roberts, EJ Louis
Yeast 22 (3), 177-192, 2005
De novo yeast genome assemblies from MinION, PacBio and MiSeq platforms
F Giordano, L Aigrain, MA Quail, P Coupland, JK Bonfield, RM Davies, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 3935, 2017
High-quality genome (re) assembly using chromosomal contact data
H Marie-Nelly, M Marbouty, A Cournac, JF Flot, G Liti, DP Parodi, S Syan, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 5695, 2014
Advances in quantitative trait analysis in yeast
G Liti, EJ Louis
Public Library of Science 8 (8), e1002912, 2012
Generation of a large set of genetically tractable haploid and diploid Saccharomyces strains
FA Cubillos, EJ Louis, G Liti
FEMS yeast research 9 (8), 1217-1225, 2009
Saccharomyces pastorianus: genomic insights inspiring innovation for industry
B Gibson, G Liti
Yeast 32 (1), 17-27, 2015
de novo assembly and population genomic survey of natural yeast isolates with the Oxford Nanopore MinION sequencer
B Istace, A Friedrich, L d'Agata, S Faye, E Payen, O Beluche, C Caradec, ...
Gigascience 6 (2), giw018, 2017
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