Arne Ludwig
Arne Ludwig
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Coat color variation at the beginning of horse domestication
A Ludwig, M Pruvost, M Reissmann, N Benecke, GA Brockmann, ...
Science 324 (5926), 485-485, 2009
Ancient genomes revisit the ancestry of domestic and Przewalski’s horses
C Gaunitz, A Fages, K Hanghøj, A Albrechtsen, N Khan, M Schubert, ...
Science 360 (6384), 111-114, 2018
Genome duplication events and functional reduction of ploidy levels in sturgeon (Acipenser, Huso and Scaphirhynchus)
A Ludwig, NM Belfiore, C Pitra, V Svirsky, I Jenneckens
Genetics 158 (3), 1203-1215, 2001
The origins and spread of domestic horses from the Western Eurasian steppes
P Librado, N Khan, A Fages, MA Kusliy, T Suchan, L Tonasso-Calvière, ...
Nature 598 (7882), 634-640, 2021
Colours of domestication
M Cieslak, M Reissmann, M Hofreiter, A Ludwig
Biological Reviews 86 (4), 885-899, 2011
The future of ancient DNA: Technical advances and conceptual shifts
M Hofreiter, JLA Paijmans, H Goodchild, CF Speller, A Barlow, GG Fortes, ...
BioEssays 37 (3), 284-293, 2015
Tracking five millennia of horse management with extensive ancient genome time series
A Fages, K Hanghøj, N Khan, C Gaunitz, A Seguin-Orlando, M Leonardi, ...
Cell 177 (6), 1419-1435. e31, 2019
Ancient genomic changes associated with domestication of the horse
P Librado, C Gamba, C Gaunitz, C Der Sarkissian, M Pruvost, ...
Science 356 (6336), 442-445, 2017
Origin and history of mitochondrial DNA lineages in domestic horses
M Cieslak, M Pruvost, N Benecke, M Hofreiter, A Morales, M Reissmann, ...
PLoS One 5 (12), e15311, 2010
Evolutionary genomics and conservation of the endangered Przewalski’s horse
C Der Sarkissian, L Ermini, M Schubert, MA Yang, P Librado, M Fumagalli, ...
Current Biology 25 (19), 2577-2583, 2015
When the American sea sturgeon swam east
A Ludwig, L Debus, D Lieckfeldt, I Wirgin, N Benecke, I Jenneckens, ...
Nature 419 (6906), 447-448, 2002
The evolutionary legacy of size‐selective harvesting extends from genes to populations
S Uusi‐Heikkilä, AR Whiteley, A Kuparinen, S Matsumura, PA Venturelli, ...
Evolutionary applications 8 (6), 597-620, 2015
Age and biogeography of major clades in sturgeons and paddlefishes (Pisces: Acipenseriformes)
Z Peng, A Ludwig, D Wang, R Diogo, Q Wei, S He
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 42 (3), 854-862, 2007
Identification of Acipenseriformes species in trade
A Ludwig
Journal of applied ichthyology 24, 2-19, 2008
Heteroplasmy in the mtDNA Control Region of Sturgeon (Acipenser, Huso and Scaphirhynchus)
A Ludwig, B May, L Debus, I Jenneckens
Genetics 156 (4), 1933-1947, 2000
Pleiotropic effects of coat colour-associated mutations in humans, mice and other mammals
M Reissmann, A Ludwig
Seminars in cell & developmental biology 24 (6-7), 576-586, 2013
Semen cryopreservation and the conservation of endangered species
J Fickel, A Wagener, A Ludwig
European Journal of Wildlife Research 53, 81-89, 2007
First evidence of hybridization between endangered sterlets (Acipenser ruthenus) and exotic Siberian sturgeons (Acipenser baerii) in the Danube River
A Ludwig, S Lippold, L Debus, R Reinartz
Biological Invasions 11, 753-760, 2009
Genotypes of predomestic horses match phenotypes painted in Paleolithic works of cave art
M Pruvost, R Bellone, N Benecke, E Sandoval-Castellanos, M Cieslak, ...
Proceedings of the National academy of sciences 108 (46), 18626-18630, 2011
The molecular phylogeny of the order Acipenseriformes revisited
J Krieger, AK Hett, PA Fuerst, E Artyukhin, A Ludwig
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 24, 36-45, 2008
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