Shao Zhongshi
Shao Zhongshi
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Modeling and multi-neighborhood iterated greedy algorithm for distributed hybrid flow shop scheduling problem
W Shao, Z Shao, D Pi
Knowledge-Based Systems 194, 105527, 2020
A Pareto-based estimation of distribution algorithm for solving multiobjective distributed no-wait flow-shop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup time
W Shao, D Pi, Z Shao
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 16 (3), 1344-1360, 2019
Hybrid enhanced discrete fruit fly optimization algorithm for scheduling blocking flow-shop in distributed environment
Z Shao, D Pi, W Shao
Expert Systems with Applications 145, 113147, 2020
Optimization of makespan for the distributed no-wait flow shop scheduling problem with iterated greedy algorithms
W Shao, D Pi, Z Shao
Knowledge-Based Systems 137, 163-181, 2017
Multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on multiple neighborhoods local search for multi-objective distributed hybrid flow shop scheduling problem
W Shao, Z Shao, D Pi
Expert systems with applications 183, 115453, 2021
A novel discrete water wave optimization algorithm for blocking flow-shop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times
Z Shao, D Pi, W Shao
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 40, 53-75, 2018
An ant colony optimization behavior-based MOEA/D for distributed heterogeneous hybrid flow shop scheduling problem under nonidentical time-of-use electricity tariffs
W Shao, Z Shao, D Pi
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 19 (4), 3379-3394, 2021
Effective heuristics and metaheuristics for the distributed fuzzy blocking flow-shop scheduling problem
Z Shao, W Shao, D Pi
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 59, 100747, 2020
Local search methods for a distributed assembly no-idle flow shop scheduling problem
W Shao, D Pi, Z Shao
IEEE Systems Journal 13 (2), 1945-1956, 2018
An extended teaching-learning based optimization algorithm for solving no-wait flow shop scheduling problem
W Shao, D Pi, Z Shao
Applied Soft Computing 61, 193-210, 2017
Modelling and optimization of distributed heterogeneous hybrid flow shop lot-streaming scheduling problem
W Shao, Z Shao, D Pi
Expert Systems with Applications 214, 119151, 2023
A hybrid differential evolution and estimation of distribution algorithm based on neighbourhood search for job shop scheduling problems
F Zhao, Z Shao, J Wang, C Zhang
International Journal of Production Research 54 (4), 1039-1060, 2016
Effective constructive heuristic and metaheuristic for the distributed assembly blocking flow-shop scheduling problem
Z Shao, W Shao, D Pi
Applied Intelligence 50, 4647-4669, 2020
Effective constructive heuristics for distributed no-wait flexible flow shop scheduling problem
W Shao, Z Shao, D Pi
Computers & Operations Research 136, 105482, 2021
Memetic algorithm with node and edge histogram for no-idle flow shop scheduling problem to minimize the makespan criterion
W Shao, D Pi, Z Shao
Applied Soft Computing 54, 164-182, 2017
A hybrid discrete optimization algorithm based on teaching–probabilistic learning mechanism for no-wait flow shop scheduling
W Shao, D Pi, Z Shao
Knowledge-Based Systems 107, 219-234, 2016
A novel multi-objective discrete water wave optimization for solving multi-objective blocking flow-shop scheduling problem
Z Shao, D Pi, W Shao
Knowledge-Based Systems 165, 110-131, 2019
An efficient discrete invasive weed optimization for blocking flow-shop scheduling problem
Z Shao, D Pi, W Shao, P Yuan
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 78, 124-141, 2019
LS-HH: A learning-based selection hyper-heuristic for distributed heterogeneous hybrid blocking flow-shop scheduling
Z Shao, W Shao, D Pi
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence 7 (1 …, 2022
A hybrid discrete teaching-learning based meta-heuristic for solving no-idle flow shop scheduling problem with total tardiness criterion
W Shao, D Pi, Z Shao
Computers & Operations Research 94, 89-105, 2018
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