Jee Hang Lee
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How smart do smart meters need to be?
N Mogles, I Walker, AP Ramallo-González, JH Lee, S Natarajan, J Padget, ...
Building and Environment 125, 439-450, 2017
Overheating in vulnerable and non-vulnerable households
M Vellei, AP Ramallo-González, D Coley, J Lee, E Gabe-Thomas, ...
Building Research & Information 45 (1-2), 102-118, 2017
Metacognition for a common model of cognition
JD Kralik, JH Lee, PS Rosenbloom, PC Jackson Jr, SL Epstein, ...
Procedia computer science 145, 730-739, 2018
Fribo: A social networking robot for increasing social connectedness through sharing daily home activities from living noise data
K Jeong, J Sung, HS Lee, A Kim, H Kim, C Park, Y Jeong, JH Lee, J Kim
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot …, 2018
Investigating the overheating risk in refurbished social housing
M Vellei, AR Gonzalez, D Kaleli, J Lee, S Natarajan
Proceedings of 9th Windsor Conference: Making Comfort Relevant, 2016
A computational model for designing energy behaviour change interventions
N Mogles, J Padget, E Gabe-Thomas, I Walker, JH Lee
User modeling and user-adapted interaction 28, 1-34, 2018
N-Jason: Run-Time Norm Compliance in AgentSpeak(L)
JH Lee, J Padget, B Logan, D Dybalova, N Alechina
Engineering Multi-Agent Systems: Second International Workshop, EMAS 2014 …, 2014
Development of an improved model to predict building thermal energy consumption by utilizing feature selection
J Jang, J Lee, E Son, K Park, G Kim, JH Lee, SB Leigh
Energies 12 (21), 4187, 2019
Decoupling cognitive agents and virtual environments
J Lee, V Baines, J Padget
International AAMAS Workshop on Cognitive Agents for Virtual Environments, 17-36, 2012
Robust Optical Flow Estimation for Continuous Blurred Scenes using RGB-Motion Imaging and Directional Filtering
D Li, Wenbin and Chen, Yang and Lee, JeeHang and Ren
IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2014
Investigating primary factors affecting electricity consumption in non-residential buildings using a data-driven approach
S Cho, J Lee, J Baek, GS Kim, SB Leigh
Energies 12 (21), 4046, 2019
Preeminently robust neural ppg denoiser
JH Kwon, SE Kim, NH Kim, EC Lee, JH Lee
Sensors 22 (6), 2082, 2022
Toward high-performance, memory-efficient, and fast reinforcement learning—Lessons from decision neuroscience
JH Lee, B Seymour, JZ Leibo, SJ An, SW Lee
Science Robotics 4 (26), eaav2975, 2019
Towards polite virtual agents using social reasoning techniques
JH Lee, T Li, J Padget
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 24 (3-4), 335-343, 2013
Blur robust optical flow using motion channel
W Li, Y Chen, JH Lee, G Ren, D Cosker
Neurocomputing 220, 170-180, 2017
Run-time norm compliance in BDI agents.
JH Lee, JA Padget, B Logan, D Dybalova, N Alechina
AAMAS, 1581-1582, 2014
A Study on Interaction Design of Companion Robots Based on Emotional State
YJ Oh, YS Shin, JH Lee, JW Kim
Journal of Digital Contents Society 18 (7), 1293-1301, 2017
증강현실을 활용한 홈 트레이닝에서 가상 참여자의 영향: 몰입, 인지된 경쟁, 그리고 정보 습득의 욕구를 중심으로
최성호, 이원욱, 김현주, 원종서, 이지항, 이연주, 김진우
감성과학 20 (3), 119-130, 2017
Using Social Institutions to Guide Virtual Agent Behaviour
JH Lee, T Li, M De Vos, J Padget
Cognitive Agents for Virtual Environments, 2nd International AAMAS workshop, 2013
The effects of virtual competitors on AR (Augmented Reality) home training system: focusing on immersion, perceived competition, and learning motivation
S Choi, W Lee, H Kim, J Won, J Lee, Y Lee, J Kim
Science of Emotion and Sensibility 20 (3), 119-130, 2017
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