Servicescape Elements, Customer Predispositions and Service Experience: The Case of Theme Park Visitors P Dong, NYM Siu Tourism Management 36 (June), 541-551, 2013 | 605 | 2013 |
A measure of retail service quality NYM Siu, J Tak‐Hing Cheung Marketing Intelligence & Planning 19 (2), 88-96, 2001 | 372 | 2001 |
An investigation of decision‐making styles of consumers in China ASY Hiu, NYM Siu, CCL Wang, LMK Chang Journal of Consumer Affairs 35 (2), 326-345, 2001 | 360 | 2001 |
Consumer decision‐making styles on domestic and imported brand clothing CL Wang, NYM Siu, ASY Hui European journal of marketing 38 (1/2), 239-252, 2004 | 309 | 2004 |
The Impact of the Servicescape on the Desire to Stay in Convention and Exhibition Centers: The Case of Macao NYM Siu, P Wan, P.Y.K. and Dong International Journal of Hospitality Management, 236-246, 2012 | 290 | 2012 |
The significance of trust and renqing in the long-term orientation of Chinese business-to-business relationships CL Wang, NYM Siu, BR Barnes Industrial Marketing Management 37 (7), 819-824, 2008 | 227 | 2008 |
The Roles of Justice and Customer Satisfaction in Customer Retention: A Lesson from Service Recovery NYM Siu, TJF Zhang, CYJ Yau Journal of Business Ethics 114 (4), 675-686, 2013 | 226 | 2013 |
Interpersonal factors as drivers of quality and performance in Western–Hong Kong interorganizational business relationships BR Barnes, LC Leonidou, NYM Siu, CN Leonidou Journal of International Marketing 23 (1), 23-49, 2015 | 168 | 2015 |
Training and enterprise performance in transition: evidence from China YC Ng, NYM Siu The international journal of human resource management 15 (4-5), 878-894, 2004 | 164 | 2004 |
New Service Bonds and Customer Value in Customer Relationship Management: The Case of Museum Visitors NYM Siu, JFT Zhang, P Dong, HY Kwan Tourism Management 36 (June), 293-303, 2013 | 156 | 2013 |
Opportunism as the inhibiting trigger for developing long-term-oriented Western exporter–Hong Kong importer relationships BR Barnes, LC Leonidou, NYM Siu, CN Leonidou Journal of International Marketing 18 (2), 35-63, 2010 | 142 | 2010 |
Adapting consumer style inventory to Chinese consumers: A confirmatory factor analysis approach NYM Siu, CCL Wang, LMK Chang, ASY Hui Journal of International Consumer Marketing 13 (2), 29-47, 2001 | 138 | 2001 |
Modelling market orientation: An application in the education sector NYM Siu, RMS Wilson Journal of marketing management 14 (4), 293-323, 1998 | 131 | 1998 |
Service quality in grocery retailing: The study of a Japanese supermarket in Hong Kong NYM Siu, DKH Chow Journal of International Consumer Marketing 16 (1), 71-87, 2004 | 92 | 2004 |
The human resource barriers to managing quality in China L Glover, N Siu International journal of human resource management 11 (5), 867-882, 2000 | 91 | 2000 |
Corporate Social Responsibility, Customer Attribution and Prior Expectation on Post-Recovery Satisfaction NYM Siu, TJF Zhang, HY Kwan International Journal of Hospitality Management 43 (October), 87-97, 2014 | 90 | 2014 |
The Role of Brand Equity and Face Saving in Chinese Luxury Consumption NYM Siu, HY Kwan, CYR Zeng Journal of Consumer Marketing 33 (4), 245-256, 2016 | 88 | 2016 |
Ethical evaluations of business activities and personal religiousness NYM Siu, JR Dickinson, BYY Lee Teaching Business Ethics 4, 239-256, 2000 | 87 | 2000 |
A comparative study of ethical perceptions of managers and non-managers NYM Siu, KCJ Lam Journal of Business Ethics 88, 167-183, 2009 | 65 | 2009 |
Exploring cosmetics advertising in southern China: An investigation of Hong Kong and Shenzhen BR Barnes, NYM Siu, Q Yu, SSY Chan International journal of Advertising 28 (2), 369-393, 2009 | 36 | 2009 |