Roberto Quaglia
Roberto Quaglia
Professor of Strategy and Management, ESCP Business School
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Citované v
Citované v
Digital transformation and customer value creation in Made in Italy SMEs: A dynamic capabilities perspective
M Matarazzo, L Penco, G Profumo, R Quaglia
Journal of Business research 123, 642-656, 2021
Corporate controversies and company's financial performance: Exploring the moderating role of ESG practices
N Nirino, G Santoro, N Miglietta, R Quaglia
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 162, 120341, 2021
The seven lives of Airbnb. The role of accommodation types
S Bresciani, A Ferraris, G Santoro, K Premazzi, R Quaglia, D Yahiaoui, ...
Annals of Tourism Research 88, 103170, 2021
The risky impact of digital transformation on organizational performance–evidence from Tunisia
S Chouaibi, G Festa, R Quaglia, M Rossi
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 178, 121571, 2022
The interplay among entrepreneur, employees, and firm level factors in explaining SMEs openness: A qualitative micro-foundational approach
G Santoro, R Quaglia, AC Pellicelli, P De Bernardi
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 151, 119820, 2020
Does age matter? The impact of SMEs age on the relationship between knowledge sourcing strategy and internationalization
LS Gabriele Santoro, Alberto Mazzoleni, Roberto Quaglia
Journal of Business Research, 2019
Financial performance and global start-ups: the impact of knowledge management practices
E Battisti, S Alfiero, R Quaglia, D Yahiaoui
Journal of International Management 28 (4), 100938, 2022
The digital humanism era triggered by individual creativity
V Scuotto, T Tzanidis, A Usai, R Quaglia
Journal of Business Research 158, 113709, 2023
Unveiling the microfoundations of multiplex boundary work for collaborative innovation
A Bertello, P De Bernardi, G Santoro, R Quaglia
Journal of Business Research 139, 1424-1434, 2022
Assessing the determinants of performance in the recycling business: Evidence from the Italian context
MV Franceschelli, G Santoro, E Giacosa, R Quaglia
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 26 (5), 1086-1099, 2019
Exploring the outcomes of the external revealing of knowledge: a case study in the craft beer industry
G Baima, G Santoro, D Busso, R Quaglia
Business Process Management Journal 26 (5), 1183-1201, 2020
AI in knowledge sharing, which ethical challenges are raised in decision-making processes for organisations?
M Rezaei, M Pironti, R Quaglia
Management Decision, 2024
I confidi in Italia
R Artusio, R Quaglia, D Bolognese
Camera di Commercio industria artigianato e agricoltura di Torino, 2010
Culinary tourism: exploring cultural diplomacy through gastronomy festivals in Turkey and Italy
C Gündüz, M Rezaei, R Quaglia, M Pironti
British Food Journal 126 (7), 2621-2645, 2024
A digital family affair: Do family firms' characteristics enhance consumers' willingness to pay?
A Bargoni, C Giachino, C Troise, GM Alam, R Quaglia
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 188, 122289, 2023
Human resources and internationalisation processes. A cognitive based view
RQ Francesco Caputo, Marco Pironti, Roberto Chierici
European Journal of International Management, 2019
The mediating role of R&D investments in the relationship between awarded grants and ESG performance
C Forliano, J Ballerini, P De Bernardi, R Quaglia
2022 IEEE International Conference on Technology Management, Operations and …, 2022
Predicting GPs' engagement with artificial intelligence
D Sola, GS Borioli, R Quaglia
British Journal of Healthcare Management 24 (3), 134-140, 2018
The Agnellis and FIAT: Family Business Governance in a Crisis (A)
RQ John A. Davis, Bernardo Bertoldi
Harvard Business School Publishing, 2012
Familiness vs. family ownership and control: what is the impact on the performance of a firm? Evidence from the field
D Sola, R Quaglia, J Couturier, AL Pinto
International Journal of Management Practice 5 (4), 326-342, 2012
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