Ben Scoulding
Ben Scoulding
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Target strengths of two abundant mesopelagic fish species
B Scoulding, D Chu, E Ona, P Fernandes
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137 (2), 989-1000, 2015
Additional evidence for fisheries acoustics: small cameras and angling gear provide tilt angle distributions and other relevant data for mackerel surveys
PG Fernandes, P Copland, R Garcia, T Nicosevici, B Scoulding
ICES Journal of Marine Science 73 (8), 2009-2019, 2016
Effects of variable mean target strength on estimates of abundance: the case of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus)
B Scoulding, S Gastauer, DN MacLennan, SMM Fässler, P Copland, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (3), 822-831, 2017
Estimates of variability of goldband snapper target strength and biomass in three fishing regions within the Northern Demersal Scalefish Fishery (Western Australia)
S Gastauer, B Scoulding, M Parsons
Fisheries Research 193, 250-262, 2017
A benthic substrate classification method for seabed images using deep learning: application to management of deep‐sea coral reefs
C Jackett, F Althaus, K Maguire, M Farazi, B Scoulding, C Untiedt, T Ryan, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 60 (7), 1254-1273, 2023
Towards acoustic monitoring of a mixed demersal fishery based on commercial data: the case of the Northern Demersal Scalefish Fishery (Western Australia)
S Gastauer, B Scoulding, M Parsons
Fisheries Research 195, 91-104, 2017
Vertical migrations of fish schools determine overlap with a mobile tidal stream marine renewable energy device
TA Whitton, SE Jackson, JG Hiddink, B Scoulding, D Bowers, B Powell, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (4), 729-741, 2020
Estimating abundance of fish associated with structured habitats by combining acoustics and optics
B Scoulding, S Gastauer, JC Taylor, KM Boswell, DV Fairclough, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 60 (7), 1274-1285, 2023
Evaluation of unmanned surface vehicle acoustics for gas seep detection in shallow coastal waters
B Scoulding, R Kloser, S Gastauer
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 102, 103158, 2020
Comparisons of echo-integration performance from two multiplexed echosounders
GJ Macaulay, B Scoulding, E Ona, SMM Fässler
ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 (6), 2276-2285, 2018
Extended detection of shallow water gas seeps from multibeam echosounder water column data
AW Nau, B Scoulding, RJ Kloser, Y Ladroit, V Lucieer
Frontiers in Remote Sensing 3, 839417, 2022
An unsupervised acoustic description of fish schools and the seabed in three fishing regions within the Northern Demersal Scalefish Fishery (NDSF, Western Australia)
S Gastauer, B Scoulding, M Parsons
Acoustics Australia 45, 363-380, 2017
The distribution of blue whiting west of the British Isles and Ireland
S Gastauer, SMM Fässler, C O’Donnell, Å Høines, JA Jakobsen, AI Krysov, ...
Fisheries Research 183, 32-43, 2016
Target strength estimates of red emperor (Lutjanus sebae) with Bayesian parameter calibration
S Gastauer, B Scoulding, SMM Fässler, DPLD Benden, M Parsons
Aquatic Living Resources 29 (3), 301, 2016
Evaluating automated benthic fish detection under variable conditions
B Scoulding, K Maguire, EC Orenstein
ICES Journal of Marine Science 79 (8), 2204-2216, 2022
VIP report" Use of new broadband echosounder": Techniques for improved ocean imaging and selectivity in pelagic fisheries
SMM Fassler, BC Scoulding, D Burggraaf, D de Haan, B Quesson, ...
IMARES, 2015
Variability in acoustic backscatter and fish school abundance at a shallow water CCS site
B Scoulding, T Ryan, R Downie, AS Ross, J Myers, R Kloser
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 126, 103912, 2023
Industry-collected target strength of high seas orange roughy in the Indian Ocean
B Scoulding, R Kloser
ICES Journal of Marine Science 78 (6), 2120-2131, 2021
Orange roughy biomass estimation in SIOFA
RJ Kloser, B Scoulding, E Niklitschek, P Toledo, GJ Patchell
Review of the use of acoustics from industry vessels. Draft report February, 2018
Review of SIOFA orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) acoustic data
B Scoulding, RJ Kloser
Draft report February, 2018
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