Water masses and cyclonic circulation in Bay of La Paz, Gulf of California, during June 1998 MA Monreal-Gómez, A Molina-Cruz, DA Salas-de-León Journal of marine systems 30 (3-4), 305-315, 2001 | 120 | 2001 |
La hidrodinámica del Golfo de México M Gómez, S de Leon, D Alberto | 97 | 2004 |
Current rectification in a tropical coral reef system D Salas-Monreal, DA Salas-de-León, MA Monreal-Gómez, ... Coral Reefs 28, 871-879, 2009 | 81 | 2009 |
A. Simulación de la circulación en la Bahía de Campeche MA Monreal-Gómez Geofísica Int. 29, 101-111, 1990 | 80 | 1990 |
Anticyclonic‐cyclonic eddies and their impact on near‐surface chlorophyll stocks and oxygen supersaturation over the Campeche Canyon, Gulf of Mexico DA Salas‐de‐León, MA Monreal‐Gómez, M Signoret, J Aldeco Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 109 (C5), 2004 | 77 | 2004 |
Dinámica y estructura termohalina MA Monreal-Gómez, DA Salas de León El Golfo de Tehuantepec: el ecosistema y sus recursos 2, 13-26, 1998 | 76 | 1998 |
Differential distribution of diatoms and dinoflagellates in a cyclonic eddy confined in the B ay of L a P az, G ulf of C alifornia E Coria‐Monter, MA Monreal‐Gómez, DA Salas‐de‐León, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (9), 6258-6268, 2014 | 69 | 2014 |
Seasonal absolute acoustic intensity, atmospheric forcing and currents in a tropical coral reef system JJS Pérez, D Salas-Monreal, MA Monreal-Gómez, ML Riveron-Enzastiga, ... Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 100, 102-112, 2012 | 63 | 2012 |
Hydrography, oxygen saturation, suspended particulate matter, and chlorophyll-a fluorescence in an oceanic region under freshwater influence M Signoret, MA Monreal-Gómez, J Aldeco, DA Salas-de-León Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 69 (1-2), 153-164, 2006 | 54 | 2006 |
Influence de la circulation à long terme sur la répartition des organismes zooplanctoniques dans la Baie de Campeche, Mexique DA Salas-De-Leon, MA Monreal-Gomez, L Sanvicente-Añorve, ... Oceanologica Acta 21 (1), 87-93, 1998 | 51 | 1998 |
Occurrence of a subsurface anticyclonic eddy, fronts, and Trichodesmium spp. J Aldeco-Ramírez, MA Monreal-Gómez, M Signoret, DA Salas-de-León, ... Ciencias Marinas 35 (4), 333-344, 2009 | 48 | 2009 |
Wind driven nutrient and subsurface chlorophyll-a enhancement in the Bay of La Paz, Gulf of California E Coria-Monter, MA Monreal-Gómez, DAS de León, E Durán-Campos, ... Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 196, 290-300, 2017 | 47 | 2017 |
Differential zooplankton aggregation due to relative vorticity in a semi-enclosed bay E Duran-Campos, DA Salas-de-León, MA Monreal-Gómez, ... Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 164, 10-18, 2015 | 45 | 2015 |
Environmental forcing in a tropical estuarine ecosystem: the Palizada River in the southern Gulf of Mexico C Fuentes-Yaco, DAS de León, MA Monreal-Gómez, F Vera-Herrera Marine and Freshwater Research 52 (5), 735-744, 2001 | 43 | 2001 |
Laminated sediments in the Bay of La Paz, Gulf of California: a depositional cycle regulated by pluvial flux A Molina‐Cruz, L Pérez‐Cruz, MA Monreal‐Gómez Sedimentology 49 (6), 1401-1410, 2002 | 41 | 2002 |
Circulación y estructura termohalina del Golfo de México MA Monreal-Gómez, DA Salas de León Contribuciones a la oceanografía física en México, Monografía 3, 183-199, 1997 | 41 | 1997 |
Golfo de México, circulación y productividad MAM GÓMEZ, DAS DE LEÓN Ciencias, 2004 | 39 | 2004 |
Hydrography and estimation of density currents in the southern part of the Bay of Campeche, Mexico MA Monreal-Gómez, DA Salas-de-León, AR Padilla-Pilotze, ... Ciencias Marinas 18 (4), 115-133, 1992 | 39 | 1992 |
Annual hydrological variation and hypoxic zone in a tropical coral reef system O Avendaño-Alvarez, D Salas-Monreal, M Marin-Hernandez, ... Regional Studies in Marine Science 9, 145-155, 2017 | 38 | 2017 |
Impact of the “Godzilla El Niño” Event of 2015–2016 on sea-surface temperature and chlorophyll-a in the Southern Gulf of California, Mexico, as evidenced by satellite and in … E Coria-Monter, MA Monreal-Gómez, DAS de León, E Durán-Campos Pacific Science 72 (4), 411-422, 2018 | 37 | 2018 |