LPH de Goey
LPH de Goey
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Citované v
Modelling of premixed laminar flames using flamelet-generated manifolds
JA Van Oijen, LPH De Goey
Combustion science and technology 161 (1), 113-137, 2000
The laminar burning velocity of flames propagating in mixtures of hydrocarbons and air measured with the heat flux method
KJ Bosschaart, LPH De Goey
Combustion and Flame 136 (3), 261-269, 2004
Modeling of complex premixed burner systems by using flamelet-generated manifolds
JA Van Oijen, FA Lammers, LPH De Goey
Combustion and Flame 127 (3), 2124-2134, 2001
State-of-the-art in premixed combustion modeling using flamelet generated manifolds
JA Van Oijen, A Donini, RJM Bastiaans, JHM ten Thije Boonkkamp, ...
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 57, 30-74, 2016
Measurement of flame temperature and adiabatic burning velocity of methane/air mixtures
A Van Maaren, DS Thung, LRH DE GOEY
Combustion Science and Technology 96 (4-6), 327-344, 1994
Premixed and nonpremixed generated manifolds in large-eddy simulation of Sandia flame D and F
AW Vreman, BA Albrecht, JA Van Oijen, LPH De Goey, RJM Bastiaans
Combustion and Flame 153 (3), 394-416, 2008
Laminar burning velocities of n-heptane, iso-octane, ethanol and their binary and tertiary mixtures
JPJ Van Lipzig, EJK Nilsson, LPH De Goey, AA Konnov
Fuel 90 (8), 2773-2781, 2011
Detailed analysis of the heat flux method for measuring burning velocities
KJ Bosschaart, LPH De Goey
Combustion and flame 132 (1-2), 170-180, 2003
Modelling of premixed laminar flames using flamelet-generated manifolds
JA Oijen, LPHD Goey
Combustion Science and Technology 161 (1), 113-137, 2000
Stabilization of adiabatic premixed laminar flames on a flat flame burner
LPH De Goey, A Van Maaren, RM Quax
Combustion science and technology 92 (1-3), 201-207, 1993
A review of cavity-based trapped vortex, ultra-compact, high-g, inter-turbine combustors
D Zhao, E Gutmark, P de Goey
progress in energy and combustion science 66, 42-82, 2018
A review of cavity-based trapped vortex, ultra-compact, high-g, inter-turbine combustors
G zhao
Modelling of premixed counterflow flames using the flamelet-generated manifold method
JA Van Oijen, LPH De Goey
Combustion Theory and Modelling 6 (3), 463, 2002
On the determination of the laminar burning velocity from closed vessel gas explosions
AE Dahoe, LPH De Goey
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 16 (6), 457-478, 2003
The effect of elevated pressures on the laminar burning velocity of methane+ air mixtures
M Goswami, SCR Derks, K Coumans, WJ Slikker, ...
Combustion and Flame 160 (9), 1627-1635, 2013
Effects of hydrogen enrichment on adiabatic burning velocity and NO formation in methane+ air flames
FHV Coppens, J De Ruyck, AA Konnov
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 31 (5), 437-444, 2007
Premixed combustion on ceramic foam burners
PH Bouma, LPH De Goey
Combustion and Flame 119 (1-2), 133-143, 1999
A flamelet description of premixed laminar flames and the relation with flame stretch
LPH De Goey, JHM ten Thije Boonkkamp
Combustion and flame 119 (3), 253-271, 1999
Modeling biomass particle pyrolysis with temperature-dependent heat of reactions
Y Haseli, JA Van Oijen, LPH De Goey
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 90 (2), 140-154, 2011
The temperature dependence of the laminar burning velocity of ethanol flames
AA Konnov, RJ Meuwissen, LPH De Goey
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (1), 1011-1019, 2011
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