Gianfranco Nicodemo
Gianfranco Nicodemo
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno - Italy
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Citované v
Empirical fragility and vulnerability curves for buildings exposed to slow-moving landslides at medium and large scales
D Peduto, S Ferlisi, G Nicodemo, D Reale, G Pisciotta, G Gullà
Landslides 14, 1993-2007, 2017
Multi-scale analysis of settlement-induced building damage using damage surveys and DInSAR data: A case study in The Netherlands
D Peduto, G Nicodemo, J Maccabiani, S Ferlisi
Engineering geology 218, 117-133, 2017
Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 7
F Bartolucci, G Domina, A Alessandrini, C Angiolini, NMG Ardenghi, ...
Italian Botanist 7, 125-148, 2019
Empirical fragility curves for settlement-affected buildings: Analysis of different intensity parameters for seven hundred masonry buildings in The Netherlands
D Peduto, M Korff, G Nicodemo, A Marchese, S Ferlisi
Soils and Foundations 59 (2), 380-397, 2019
Monitoring buildings at landslide risk with SAR: A methodology based on the use of multipass interferometric data
C Noviello, S Verde, V Zamparelli, G Fornaro, A Pauciullo, D Reale, ...
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine 8 (1), 91-119, 2020
The use of DInSAR data for the analysis of building damage induced by slow-moving landslides
S Ferlisi, D Peduto, G Gullà, G Nicodemo, L Borrelli, G Fornaro
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 2: Landslide Processes …, 2015
Quantitative analysis of consequences to masonry buildings interacting with slow-moving landslide mechanisms: a case study
D Peduto, G Nicodemo, M Caraffa, G Gullà
Landslides 15, 2017-2030, 2018
Investigating building settlements via very high resolution SAR sensors
G Niocodemo, D Peduto, S Ferlisi, J Maccabiani
Life-cycle of engineering systems: Emphasis on sustainable civil …, 2016
A multi-scale methodological approach for slow-moving landslide risk mitigation in urban areas, southern Italy
S Ferlisi, G Gullà, G Nicodemo, D Peduto
Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration 4 (1), 20, 2019
A procedure for the analysis of building vulnerability to slow-moving landslides
D Peduto, G Pisciotta, G Nicodemo, L Arena, S Ferlisi, G Gullà, L Borrelli, ...
Proc 1st IMEKO Int Work Metrology for Geotechnics, Athena Srl Benevento, 248-254, 2016
Analysis of building vulnerability to slow-moving landslides via A-DInSAR and damage survey data
G Nicodemo, D Peduto, S Ferlisi, G Gullà, L Borrelli, G Fornaro, D Reale
Advancing Culture of Living with Landslides: Volume 2 Advances in Landslide …, 2017
Seismic fragility curves for the Italian RC residential buildings based on non-linear dynamic analyses
V Manfredi, A Masi, G Nicodemo, A Digrisolo
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 21 (4), 2173-2214, 2023
Geology, slow-moving landslides, and damages to buildings in the Verbicaro area (north-western Calabria region, southern Italy)
L Borrelli, G Nicodemo, S Ferlisi, D Peduto, S Di Nocera, G Gullà
Journal of Maps 14 (2), 32-44, 2018
Damage to Masonry Buildings Interacting with Slow-Moving Landslides: A Numerical Analysis
G Nicodemo, S Ferlisi, D Peduto, L Aceto, G Gullà
National Conference of the Researchers of Geotechnical Engineering 40, 52-61, 2020
Investigating the behaviour of buildings with different foundation types on soft soils: two case studies in The Netherlands
D Peduto, G Nicodemo, J Maccabiani, S Ferlisi, R D’Angelo, A Marchese
Procedia Engineering 158, 529-534, 2016
Analysis of damage to buildings in urban centers on unstable slopes via TerraSAR-X PSI data: the case Study of El Papiol Town (Spain)
D Peduto, G Nicodemo, M Cuevas-Gonzáles, M Crosetto
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 16 (11), 1706-1710, 2019
DINSAR Data Integration in Vulnerability Analyses of Buildings Exposed to Slow-Moving Landslides
G Nicodemo, D Peduto, S Ferlisi, G Gullà, D Reale, G Fornaro
Proceedings of IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2018
Investigating the kinematics of the unstable slope of Barberà de la Conca (Catalonia, Spain) and the effects on the exposed facilities by GBSAR and multi-source conventional …
D Peduto, L Oricchio, G Nicodemo, M Crosetto, J Ripoll, P Buxó, ...
Landslides 18, 457-469, 2021
Deterministic and probabilistic analyses of the 3D response of masonry buildings to imposed settlement troughs
S Ferlisi, G Nicodemo, D Peduto, C Negulescu, G Grandjean
Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and …, 2020
Small-scale analysis to rank municipalities requiring slow-moving landslide risk mitigation measures: the case study of the Calabria region (southern Italy)
G Gullà, G Nicodemo, S Ferlisi, L Borrelli, D Peduto
Geoenvironmental Disasters 8, 1-25, 2021
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