Eva Murillo
Eva Murillo
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Situación y necesidades de las personas con trastorno del espectro autista en la Comunidad de Madrid
M Belinchón Carmona, JM Hernández Rodríguez, J Martos Pérez, ...
Situación y necesidades de las personas con trastorno del espectro autista …, 2001
Gestural-vocal coordination: Longitudinal changes and predictive value on early lexical development
E Murillo, M Belinchón
Gesture 12 (1), 16-39, 2012
Actualización conceptual de los Trastornos del Espectro del Autismo (TEA)
E Murillo Sanz
Todo sobre el autismo: los Trastornos del Espectro del Autismo (TEA). Guía …, 2012
Sentence repetition tasks to detect and prevent language difficulties: A scoping review
I Rujas, S Mariscal, E Murillo, M Lázaro
Children 8 (7), 578, 2021
Properties of vocalization-and gesture-combinations in the transition to first words
E Murillo, A Capilla
Journal of child language 43 (4), 890-913, 2016
Changes in the synchrony of multimodal communication in early language development
E Murillo, C Ortega, A Otones, I Rujas, M Casla
Journal of speech, language, and hearing research 61 (9), 2235-2245, 2018
Patrones comunicativos multimodales en la transición a las primeras palabras: cambios en la coordinación de gestos y vocalizaciones
E Murillo, M Belinchón
Infancia y Aprendizaje 36 (4), 473-487, 2013
Supporting people with Autism Spectrum Disorders in leisure time: Impact of an University Volunteer Program, and related factors
C Nieto, E Murillo, M Belinchón, A Giménez, D Saldaña, MÁ Martínez, ...
Anales de Psicología/Annals of Psychology 31 (1), 145-154, 2015
Spontaneous verbal repetition in toddler-adult conversations: A longitudinal study with Spanish-speaking two-year-olds
M Casla, C Méndez-Cabezas, I Montero, E Murillo, S Nieva, J Rodríguez
Journal of Child Language 49 (2), 266-301, 2022
Necesidades de las familias de personas con TEA en la comunidad de Madrid. Nuevos datos
E Murillo Sanz, M Belinchón
Multimodal communication in children with autism spectrum disorder and different linguistic development
E Murillo, L Camacho, I Montero
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 51 (5), 1528-1539, 2021
On the multimodal path to language: The relationship between rhythmic movements and deictic gestures at the end of the first year
E Murillo, I Montero, M Casla
Frontiers in psychology 12, 616812, 2021
The multimodality of infant's rhythmic movements as a modulator of the interaction with their caregivers
A Moreno-Núñez, E Murillo, M Casla, I Rujas
Infant Behavior and Development 65, 101645, 2021
Word and nonword repetition abilities in Spanish language: Longitudinal evidence from typically developing and late talking children
I Rujas, S Mariscal, M Casla, M Lázaro, E Murillo
The Spanish journal of psychology 20, E72, 2017
Multimodal representational gestures in the transition to multi‐word productions
E Murillo, M Casla
Infancy 26 (1), 104-122, 2021
Gesture and speech combinations beyond two-word stage in an experimental task
E Murillo, N Galera, M Casla
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 30 (10), 1291-1305, 2015
Effects of grammatical category and morphology on fast mapping in typically developing and late talking toddlers
I Rujas, M Casla, S Mariscal, M Lázaro López-Villaseñor, E Murillo Sanz
First Language 39 (3), 249-280, 2019
Hacia un modelo de apoyos universitarios a estudiantes con síndrome de asperger: necesidades y propuestas de actuación
N Alonso, M Belinchón, R Blanco, D Cáceres, M De Diego, C Frías, ...
Centro de Psicología Aplicada. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2009
El efecto de la pandemia sobre el desarrollo del lenguaje en los dos primeros años de vida
E Murillo, M Casla, I Rujas, M Lázaro
Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología 43 (3), 100315, 2023
The effect of infant-directed speech on early multimodal communicative production in Spanish and Basque
I De Pablo, E Murillo, A Romero
Journal of child language 47 (2), 457-471, 2020
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