Flavio Monti
Flavio Monti
Researcher, CNR - IRET
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The price of success: integrative long-term study reveals ecotourism impacts on a flagship species at a UNESCO site
Monti, F., Duriez, O., Dominici, JM., Sforzi, A., Robert, A., Fusani, L ...
doi:10.1111/acv.12407, 2018
Being cosmopolitan: evolutionary history and phylogeography of a specialized raptor, the Osprey Pandion haliaetus
F Monti, O Duriez, V Arnal, JM Dominici, A Sforzi, L Fusani, D Grémillet, ...
BMC Evolutionary Biology 15, 1-15, 2015
Migrating ospreys use thermal uplift over the open sea
O Duriez, G Peron, D Grémillet, A Sforzi, F Monti
Biology Letters 14 (12), rsbl.2018.0687, 2018
The Osprey reintroduction in Central Italy: dispersal, survival and first breeding data
F Monti, JM Dominici, R Choquet, O Duriez, G Sammuri, A Sforzi
Bird Study 61 (4), 465-473, 2014
Migration distance affects stopover use but not travel speed: contrasting patterns between long‐and short‐distance migrating ospreys
F Monti, D Grémillet, A Sforzi, JM Dominici, RT Bagur, AM Navarro, ...
Journal of Avian Biology 49 (10), e01839, 2018
Migration and wintering strategies in vulnerable Mediterranean Osprey populations
F Monti, D Grémillet, A Sforzi, G Sammuri, JM Dominici, R Triay Bagur, ...
DOI: 10.1111/ibi.12567, 2018
Hotspots in the grid: Avian sensitivity and vulnerability to collision risk from energy infrastructure interactions in Europe and North Africa.
Gauld, J.G., ...., Monti, F., et al.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2022
Shift in proximate causes of mortality for six large migratory raptors over a century
De Pascalis, F., Panuccio, M., Bacaro, G., Monti, F.
Biological Conservation 251 (108793), 2020
Genetic connectivity among osprey populations and consequences for conservation: Philopatry versus dispersal as key factors.
Flavio Monti, Florie Delfour, Véronique Arnal, Saliha Zenboudji, Olivier ...
DOI: 10.1007/s10592-018-1058-7, 2018
The interplay of wind and uplift facilitates over-water flight in facultative soaring birds
E Nourani, G Bohrer, P Becciu, RO Bierregaard, O Duriez, J Figuerola, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1958), 20211603, 2021
Nest box selection and reproduction of European Rollers in Central Italy: a 7-year study
F Monti, L Nelli, C Catoni, G Dell’Omo
Avian Research 10, 1-12, 2019
Osprey Pandion haliaetus
F Monti
Migration Strategies of Birds of Prey in Western Palearctic, 11-21, 2021
The vulnerable Osprey breeding population of the Al Hoceima National Park, Morocco: present status and threats
F Monti, H Nibani, JM Dominici, HR Idrissi, M Thévenet, PC Beaubrun, ...
Ostrich 84 (3), 199-204, 2013
Tracking data highlight the importance of human-induced mortality for large migratory birds at a flyway scale
J Serratosa, S Oppel, S Rotics, A Santangeli, SHM Butchart, ...
Biological Conservation 293, 110525, 2024
Post-fledging dependence period of ospreys Pandion haliaetus released in central Italy: home ranges, space use and aggregation
F Monti, A Sforzi, JM Dominici
Ardeola 59 (1), 17-30, 2012
Razorbills Alca torda in Italian Seas: A Massive Irruption of Historical Relevance and Role of Social Network Monitoring
Balestrieri, R., Vento, R., Viviano, A., Mori, E., Gili, C., Monti, F.
Animals 13 (656), 2023
Potential importance of wind patterns and guidance opportunities for the conservation of the Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus in Italy
Agostini, N., Panuccio, M. von Hardenberg, J., Monti, F.
Bird Conservation International, 2022
The conservation status and distribution of the breeding birds of prey of North Africa
JR Garrido, C Numa, V Barrios, A Qninba, A Riad, O Haitham, ...
IUCN: Gland, Switzerland, 2021
Pushed to the edge: Environmental factors drive ecological responses of Aphanius fasciatus when in sympatry with invasive Gambusia holbrooki
Monti, F., Marcelli, M., Fastelli, P., Fattorini, N.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2021
Survival of a small reintroduced griffon vulture population in the Apennines: Insights from Global Positioning System tracking
Monti, F., Serroni, P., Rotondaro, F., Sangiuliano, A., Sforzi, A ...
Avian Biology Research, 2022
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