Dr Vinod Nambiar
Dr Vinod Nambiar
College of medicine and Health sciences
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Citované v
COVID-19: an insight into SARS-CoV-2 pandemic originated at Wuhan City in Hubei Province of China
BS Mohan, V Nambiar
J Infect Dis Epidemiol 6 (4), 146, 2020
Hepatitis B: Knowledge and awareness among preclinical year medical students
MB Sannathimmappa, V Nambiar, R Arvindakshan
Avicenna journal of medicine 9 (02), 43-47, 2019
Learning style preferences of preclinical medical students in Oman
S Panambur, V Nambiar, T Heming
Oman medical journal 29 (6), 461, 2014
Are Online Synchronous Team-Based-Learning (TBL) pedagogy effective?: Perspectives from a study on medical students in Oman
MB Sannathimmappa, V Nambiar, R Aravindakshan, A Kumar
Journal of Advances in Medical Education & Professionalism 10 (1), 12, 2022
Crossword puzzle: a tool for enhancing medical students' learning in microbiology and immunology
BS Mohan, V Nambiar, S Gowda, R Arvindakshan
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 6 (3), 756, 2018
Antibiotics at the crossroads–do we have any therapeutic alternatives to control the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance?
MB Sannathimmappa, V Nambiar, R Aravindakshan
Journal of education and health promotion 10 (1), 438, 2021
Diabetic foot infections: Profile and antibiotic susceptibility patterns of bacterial isolates in a tertiary care hospital of Oman
MB Sannathimmappa, V Nambiar, R Aravindakshan, MSJ Al Khabori, ...
Journal of Education and Health Promotion 10 (1), 254, 2021
Antibiotic resistance pattern of Acinetobacter baumannii strains: a retrospective study from Oman
MB Sannathimmappa, V Nambiar, R Aravindakshan
Saudi journal of medicine & medical sciences 9 (3), 254-260, 2021
A cross-sectional study to evaluate the knowledge and attitude of medical students concerning antibiotic usage and antimicrobial resistance
MB Sannathimmappa, V Nambiar, R Aravindakshan
International Journal of Academic Medicine 7 (2), 113-119, 2021
Concept maps in immunology: A metacognitive tool to promote collaborative and meaningful learning among undergraduate medical students
MB Sannathimmappa, V Nambiar, R Aravindakshan
Journal of Advances in Medical Education & Professionalism 10 (3), 172, 2022
Learning out of the box: Fostering intellectual curiosity and learning skills among the medical students through gamification
MB Sannathimmappa, V Nambiar, R Aravindakshan
Journal of education and health promotion 11 (1), 79, 2022
Implementation and evaluation of case-based learning approach in microbiology and immunology
M Sannathimmappa, V Nambiar, R Arvindakshan
International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences 8 (1), 1-5, 2019
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia: An emerging opportunistic nosocomial pathogen in a tertiary care hospital in Al Batinah North Governorate, Oman
MB Sannathimmappa, V Nambiar, R Aravindakshan, NM Al-Kasaby
Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 21 (1), e66, 2021
Medical students’ perception of teaching evaluation and feedback: a study at Oman Medical College
M El-Sayed, MA Simon, M El-Wasify, V Nambiar
Middle East Current Psychiatry 25 (3), 131-134, 2018
Profile and antibiotic-resistance pattern of bacteria isolated from endotracheal secretions of mechanically ventilated patients at a tertiary care hospital
MB Sannathimmappa, V Nambiar, R Aravindakshan, NM Al-Kasaby
Journal of Education and Health Promotion 10 (1), 195, 2021
Emerging and Re-emerging Viral Infections in the 21st Century: Microbiological and Public Health Perspectives.
MB Sannathimmappa, V Nambiar, R Patil
Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences (JKIMSU) 10 (2), 2021
HIV/AIDS and its Prevention: a cross-sectional study to evaluate knowledge, Awareness, and attitude among medical students
MB Sannathimmappa, V Nambiar
International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences 8 (8), 110-116, 2019
Implementation and assessment of students’ perception on effectiveness of kahoot game-based educational tool in learning microbiology
BS Mohan, V Nambiar, R Arvindakshan
J Biomed Pharm Res 7 (4), 12-8, 2018
Storm of a rare opportunistic life threatening mucormycosis among post COVID-19 patients: A tale of two pathogens
MB Sannathimmappa, V Nambiar, R Aravindakshan
International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science 12 (1), 38-46, 2022
A 5-Year Retrospective Study of Antibiotic Resistance Pattern of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Various Clinical Samples at a Tertiary Care Hospital
MB Sannathimmappa, V Nambiar, R Aravindakshan
Medical Journal of Dr. DY Patil University 16 (5), 687-692, 2023
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